A Remedy to Cure All Ills 2: Asking for Help

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Arthur's  POV:

            I sat anxiously in my chambers in front of the lit fireplace, the flames dancing wildly. The day had come to an end, the sun had set behind the horizon, allowing the stars and moon to make their debut. It had been two days, yet there was still no word on Elizabeth's condition, nothing that would lift my spirits. The longing to know what was happening was eating away at me with every passing second.  It was silent in my chambers, the only sound audible was the sound of Merlin's pacing. The man had yet to sit down, walking back and forth upon the wooden floor in front of me.

"It's gonna be alright," He spoke softly, still pacing. "It is. I know it is. She's going to be absolutely--"

"Merlin," I interrupted, rolling my eyes in annoyance.

"What," he asked, finally stopping his constant pacing.

"You're making me anxious," I stated sternly. It was true, the servant's pacing was not helping me calm my nerves.

"But I'm not worried," he spoke, returning to his pacing.

"Then stop pacing," I said, meeting the servant's eyes. He stops, taking a seat in the chair across from me. Yet, the movement didn't stop, for now, he was tapping his fingers on the wooden armrests. I groaned, rising from where I sat and took over his pacing, my anxiety continuing to build.

"I'm tired of waiting," I announced, and without a second thought, I strode towards the door of my chambers, exiting the deadly silent room. I stormed down the hall, entering Elizabeth's chambers. There I find Gaius and my father standing by Elizabeth's bed discussing. Elizabeth had yet to move an inch, for she was still in the same position I saw her in this morning.

"I can not preserve her life for much longer," Gaius spoke to my father, stopping me in my tracks. "She has hours, maybe less."

"We cannot let her die," I yelled, grabbing both the physician's and the king's attention.

"Arthur, please," the king spoke softly, I approached the two, stopping beside Elizabeth's bedside. I took her pale hand in mine, her skin cold to the touch.

"There's a man-- He came to the castle yesterday. He cames he can cure her," I announced, my father looked at me confused.

"That's ridiculous. He doesn't know what's wrong with her," Father spat, a hint of annoyance detectable in his voice.

"He says he has a remedy to cure all ills," I explained further.

"Impossible," Gaius spoke, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Well, for Elizabeth's sake surely we should at least hear him out," I suggested. "I mean, what have we got to lose?"

            The King and Physician looked at me in silence. Neither one of them knew how to respond. They both just sat there silently. I made eye contact with my father, my eyes pleading for him to listen to what I was saying.

"Please, father," I begged.

"Probably some charlatan hoping for a quick shilling," Gaius stated.

"I don't care. If she's about to die, what harm can it do," I inquired sternly, losing my patience with every passing second Elizabeth was not awake smiling at me. "Give him his shillings if there's one chance in a million he can save her. Then why not?"

"Send for him," My father whispered. That was all the confirmation I needed, with one quick nod directed to my father I bolted out of the chambers. 

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