The Gates of Avalon 5: Talk to Me

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Arthur's POV:

            I was awoken by the sound of my door creaking open slowly. Followed by the gentle taping of bare feet making their way across my floor. I was not concerned, I knew that it was probably just Merlin, coming to gather my armor to shine after my patrol with my father. My eyes only opened when I felt my covers lift, as well as the bed sink. With an annoyed groan, I sat up from my bed, looking to see why my annoying servant interrupted my slumber.

"Merlin, what is so important that you had to wake me at---," I froze, my eyes adjusting to the darkness of the room. The sleepy haze that once clouded my vision was now clear, allowing me to see who sat on my bed. "Elizabeth."

            Elizabeth sat on my bed, her brown curls falling in her face as she looked at me. Her eyes shimmered in the moonlight that made its way through my window. She wore a white nightgown, the dress just barely covering her knees. 

"Ellie," I asked. "What's wrong."

"I couldn't sleep," She whispered. "I didn't want to be alone."

            I was surprised to hear her speak, Gaius said it may take a while before she did. Yet, here she was, sitting on my bed, her mind and soul having returned. She slowly eased her way under the covers, resting her head against a pillow. I followed her lead, lying down next to her, our faces merely inches apart. We lay there in silence for a while, neither of us uttering a word as we stared into each other's eyes.

"What happened out there," I asked softly. 

"I shouldn't have come here," She whispered. She hastily threw the covers off of her, rising from the bed. I take hold of her wrist gently before she could climb off the bed.

"Wait," I whispered. She pauses, turning back to face me, revealing a few stray tears falling down her face. I pull her back on the bed, cupping her face with my hands, brushing the stray tears away with my thumbs. "Talk to me... Confide in me."

She whimpered, causing my heart to tighten. "You were afraid of me."

"No, no, no, no, no," I whispered, shushing her softly as she began to cry. "I was not afraid of you, I could never be afraid of you."

"You should be," She whispered, averting her gaze from me to look at her hands that she had folded in her lap. "I'm a monster."

"Look at me," I asked softly, but she only shook her head in response. I placed my hand beneath her chin, lifting it so our gaze could meet once more. "You are not a monster. I've fought monsters and none of their appearances can compare to your beauty."

She chuckled lightly, shaking her head. "That's not what I meant."

"I know what you meant," I assured her. "You are far from ferocious and evil. I have never met anyone as kind and as loving as you."

            I watched as a smile crossed her face, her cheeks turning red. Yet her smile did not last long. Her smile fell, her eyes glassing over with fresh tears. I pulled her close, embracing her in my arms. The silk of her dress pressed firmly against my body. We stayed like that for a while, feeling content in each other's embrace. 

"I remember," She whispered, breaking the peaceful silence.

"What," I asked, pulling away from her.

"I remember everything," she spoke. "I saw it."

"Elizabeth," I began, tucking a piece of stray hair behind her ear. "What happened after you left the castle?"

She sighed. "I went to Alden."

"Alden," I asked. "How did you travel to Alden."

"I don't remember," she replied. "Everything is a blur after I set half the forest ablaze. I can't remember my voyage to Alden, all I remember is standing outside the gates."

I nodded, listening intently as she spoke. "What happened next?"

"I went in," she started. "It was as if the wind was pulling me to the castle courtyard. Then the area was enveloped in fog. It was silent for a while, then the screams erupted."

"The screams. There were people," I asked. Elizabeth shook her head, tears cascading down her face.

"No," she answered. "Human figures took shape in the fog. I saw my mother. My father. It was as if mother nature was trying to remind me of what happened."

I took her hand in mine, rubbing the back of it gently. "What did happen?"

"Our kingdom was attacked," she began, grasping my hand tightly. "The entire village was in chaos. I heard my mother call out my name. I saw my younger self run to her. I watched as an attacker plunged his sword through my mother's back. I watched as my father fought to protect me and my fallen mother, but we were surrounded. He put up a good fight, but in the end, he too was taken away from me before my eyes."

            Elizabeth paused briefly, sucking in a shaky breath as she replayed the scene in her head. I watched as a single tear fell down her face as she closed her eyes briefly, regaining her composer. I wiped away the tear with the pad of my thumb, stroking her cheek gently to comfort her for a moment.

She sighed, before starting again. "I watched as my younger self was overtaken by emotions. When she looked back up at the attacker my eyes were gold. He was about to strike her down with his sword, but before he could she let out an ear-piercing scream. A wave of energy escaped her body, setting everything in its path ablaze. I listened to the attacker's screams as his flesh burned off his bones. The entire kingdom was overtaken by the fire. My younger self passed out in exhaustion, and when she awakened everything was ash."

"Oh my God," I whispered, taking hold of her other hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"I watched my parents die right in front of me. My powers engulfed everything and everyone in flames. There were no survivors. Yet, when I woke, I had no recollection of what happened. It was such a traumatic experience for a child to go through that my brain erased it from my memory," Elizabeth finished.

"I am so sorry Elizabeth," I said, I took her face in my hands, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"You know," she choked out a sob. "Both of my parent's final words to me were "I love you". With all the chaos taking place, I never got the chance to say it back."

"They knew Ellie," I assured her, I pulled her back against my chest, the hair on my neck standing up as her breath fanned my skin. 

"Can I stay with you tonight," She asked. I nodded, lying down and pulling her down with me. Her head rested gently against my chest, her arm thrown across me. I listened to her breathing, hearing every intake and exhale of breath. 

"You're safe with me," I whispered, kissing her head gently before closing my eyes. I don't think anything would ever have been prepared for what Elizabeth told me. Losing a parent at such a young age is scarring. I never knew my mother. She died while giving birth to me. I still, to this day feel the grief. Yet it is nothing compared to the grief Elizabeth was feeling now. She watched both her parents die in front of her. I slowly drifted off to sleep, my thoughts swimming through my mind wildly.

Written Destinies (Arthur Pendragon)Where stories live. Discover now