A Remedy to Cure All Ills 4: Flowers and Paint

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Arthurs POV:

            After a whole day of rest together, Elizabeth felt well enough to meet the man who saved her life. We gathered in the throne room, My father sitting on his glorious throne, Elizabeth sitting next to him. I stood by her chair, my hand gently brushing over hers that rested on the armrest. Edwin stood before us with a proud smile on his face.

"Name your reward," My father bellowed happily.

"I desire nothing more than the good health of my patient, sire," Edwin spoke, sending a sweet smile to Elizabeth, who nodded in appreciation in return.

"Nonsense," My father exclaimed. "After all, you saved the future queen of Camelot. There must be something I can do for you."

I watched as Elizabeth's face reddened at his words, her eyes meeting mine momentarily before refocusing on Edwin.

"No, I will wait until the Lady Elizabeth is fully recovered and then I will be on my way," Edwin stated.

"Why don't you stay a while," My father suggested. "You could live here at the palace."

"No I feel I would be trespassing," Edwin said with a shake of his head. "And you already have a court physician."

"I'm sure Gaius would be glad of your help," The king stated.

"It is a kind offer, but...," Edwin stated.

"Think about it," My father interrupted. "Dine with me later. Give me your decision."

"To dine with your majesty would be a reward in itself," Edwin smiled. He then bowed before my father before making his way out of the room.

"Wait," Elizabeth exclaimed, rising from her chair, her legs shaking beneath her. I offered her my assistance to keep herself steady, still being a bit weak from her illness. We slowly made our way to Edwin, stopping before him.

"I want to personally thank you for saving me," Elizabeth spoke softly.

"No thanks necessary," Edwin stated with a smile.

"No, really. If it wasn't for you, I might not be standing here at this moment," She stated with a smile. "So truly, thank you."

"You're welcome my lady," Edwin said. He bowed his head toward her, before exiting out of the throne room.

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Elizabeth's POV:

           The day passed by in the blink of an eye, the sun slowly setting behind the palace walls. I had spent most of the day in the palace garden. Gathering flowers for a centerpiece at tonight's dinner between Edwin and King Uther. Something to brighten the bleak dining room, giving it a bit of color. I had gathered an array of flowers; pink roses, daisies, baby's breath, and lilies, all now sitting in a vase in the middle of the dining room table. Once I was content with the bouquet I had made, I decided to spend the rest of the day in my chambers, painting the scenery that I saw outside my window.

            I painted the land that lay beyond the walls of the kingdom. My canvas, which started out as a blank surface, now brought to life with color. A field of wild flowers as far as I could see, mountains reaching high into the sky, their peaks white with freshly fallen snow, a brilliant blue sky stretched to the top of the canvas, filled with fluffy white clouds. I brushed my paintbrush upwards, creating tall grass at the bottom of the canvas. I was so focused on my painting that I didn't even hear my chamber door open, followed by the sound of footsteps making their way across the wooden floor. I was pulled away from my painting by two strong arms encircling my waist, causing me to jump in surprise. I swiftly turned to see who stood behind me, relaxing when I meet a pair of familiar blue eyes, as well as a cocky grin that I have grown to love.

"You startled me," I stated, leaning into him a bit. 

"It was never my intention," Arthur spoke softly, his breath gently brushing against the skin of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. 

"It was entirely your intention," I stated with a smile. Arthur laughed, gently kissing the nape of my neck.

"It is beautiful," Arthur whispered, referring to my painting.

"Thank you," I replied kindly. I looked at the piece I had just created, allowing myself to stop and admire it. It was, in fact, beautiful.

"Not as beautiful as you however," He added, causing me to smile.

"You still find me beautiful, even though I am covered in paint," I asked softly.

"Why would I not," He asked. "You are doing something you love. The joy that comes across your face when you paint is the depiction of beauty."

           I smiled, he knew just what to say to make me swoon. His words sounded like a beautiful melody to my ears, one that I yearn to hear day by day. His touch was electrifying, his hold on my waist sends shivers down my spine. 

"Since when have you become such a romantic, your highness," I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"You bring it out of me," He replied with a smile. His lips then soon returned to my neck, leaving trails of kisses across my skin. He releases his hold from around my waist, turning me to face him, his lips still exploring my exposed skin, traveling up to my jaw. Slowly, but surely finding their rightful place against my lips. 

          He never ceased to disappoint, for each time we kissed, it was always full of passion. Never forced, nor rushed, always gentle and sweet. I dropped the paintbrush I had in my hands, letting it hit the floor. I let my hands cup the back of his neck, pulling him closer, as though he was the very air I needed to breathe. His arms circled around me, pulling my body closer to his. He parts my lips with his tongue, allowing it to explore my mouth. A soft moan escaped my lips, causing him to smile into the kiss, a small chuckle escapes him.

"What's so funny," I asked, my lips never parting from his.

"Even the noises you make," He whispered, parting from my lips momentarily. "Even they are beautiful."

            I smiled, my heart pounding wildly in my chest. I was breathing heavily, and though we were not kissing wildly, the passion still took its toll on me. I could feel my face becoming heated, probably red from lack of oxygen after our passion-filled moment. Yet I did not care, for all I wanted was his lips back on mine.

"You need to rest," Arthur spoke softly. "You are still recovering."

"I'll rest when I'm dead," I stated, pulling at the collar of his shirt, reconnecting his lips against mine. Arthur laughed briefly before pulling me against him once more, returning us to our bliss-filled moment once more.

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            Sorry I have not posted in a while, this past semester has had me occupied. I hope that this chapter makes up for my absence. I hope to be posting more frequently now that the semester is over.

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