Lancelot 5: Betrayal

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Elizabeth's POV:

             I was awakened by a loud commotion coming from the hall. I quickly rose from my bed, being careful not to wake Amelia, who was peacefully sleeping on the other side of it. I quickly got dressed and made my way out of my chambers, closing the door silently behind me. I followed the commotion until I arrived back in the throne room. Uther, Arthur, and a man I did not recognize stood at the front of the room. Kneeling before them was Lancelot, his hands shackled behind him and two guards standing on either side of him.

"Tell him what you told me," Uther spoke sternly, directing his words toward the man that stood next to him.

"These credentials are faked," He spoke. "The seal itself is faultless, forgery of the highest possible standard, but a forgery it must be. There is no record of a fifth son of Lord Eldred of Northumbria. Therefore he..."

"Lied," Uther spoke up. "Do you deny it?"

"No, Sire," Lancelot spoke.

"You've broken the first code of Camelot," Uther spoke softly, his eyes full of rage. "You have brought shame upon yourself and upon us. You are not worthy of the knighthood bestowed upon you. You never were and you never will be. Get him out of my sight."

            With that, Lancelot was hoisted up from his kneeling position, dragging him out of the throne room and past me. His eyes briefly meet mine as he passes, his brown orbs full of sorrow.

"Sire," Arthur spoke up.

"Do you contest my judgment," Uther questioned his son.

"His deception was inexcusable. But he meant no harm, sire. I am sure of it," Arthur tried to reason. "He only wished to serve."

"The first code is a sacred bond of trust. It is what binds the knights together," Uther explained. "How can you trust a man who has lied to you?"

            Arthur only nodded, watching silently as his father departed from the room. Once I was sure the room was cleared, I made my way towards Arthur, his eyes widening when they see me.

"How much did you hear," He asked softly.

"All of it," I spoke softly. He sighed, hanging his head low. "What will happen to Lancelot?"

"He will be kept in the dungeon until my father decides what to do with him," Arthur explained sadly. "And knowing my father. Whatever he has in store for Lancelot won't be good."

"Will you be okay," I asked. Arthur's blue eyes meet mine, piercing into my soul.

"Lancelot is in prison for breaking the first code and you are asking me if I'm all right," Arthur said with a chuckle.  I blushed, my eyes never leaving his. His eyes trail to my lips then back up to my eyes. I knew what he was going to do. He was going to kiss me, and I was going to let him. Arthur's fingers gently brushed my cheek as he went to cup my face, causing chills to run up my spine. His lips inched closer to mine, just meters away, yet like all good moments, this one was short-lived. 

            Arthur and I's long-awaited kiss was interrupted by the blaring warning bell. The bell, that only went off in times of attack. I watched as Arthur's eyes widened in alarm as an ear-piercing screech filled our ears. We ran over to the balcony that overlooked the city below, becoming overcome with horror at what we saw. There flying above the chaos-filled town below was the creature that has been bringing terror to every kingdom it visited. With the face and feet of an eagle, the body of a bear, and the tail of a lion.  The townspeople were running in fear in search of shelter.

"Stay here," Arthur instructed, off of the balcony and out of the throne room.

"Like hell, I'm staying here," I said under my breath. I followed after him, all the way to the town square, where the knights of Camelot were waiting for their leader. One knight handed Arthur a sword and a shield with a dragon painted on the front, bowing briefly before racing to stand beside his fellow knights. When the beast swooped overhead, Arthur took action.

"On me. On me," He yelled to his fellow knights. They surrounded him in a protective circle, their spears raised high. "Defense!"

            With that they crotched down to the ground, their shields raised over their head, their spears pointed up towards the beast that flew overhead. The beast let out a screech before swooping down, knocking down the knights' defenses with no problem. The knights rose back up, just in time to see the beast land before them. The knights huddled together, creating a defensive wall of shields and spears. They then began approaching the beast slowly, the tips of their blades pointed toward the beast.

"Charge," Arthur bellowed, charging towards the beast, followed by his brave knights.

             Time seemed to still right then and there, everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. I watched as Arthur and the knights charged head-on toward the beast. Their battle cries blared over the chaos that surrounded the castle. Arthur jabbed his spear at the beast, who dodged the blows. The beast then lunged toward the prince, who had to double back for a brief moment. With a look of determination written across his face, Arthur threw his body forward, his spear aiming toward the beast's heart. Yet, what happened next came as a surprise for all of us. 

            As the spear made contact with the beast's skin it shattered, the way a glass shatters when it hits the floor. Arthur was bewildered, looking down at the broken weapon in his hand. The beast retaliated, knocking the prince down, leaving him defenseless. Something inside of me stirred when I saw Arthur sitting there with his shield raised above his head as the beast continued to ram into him. Without even thinking I took one of the burning torches hanging on the wall and rushed over to the fallen prince. I got in between him and the beast, swinging the burning torch at the beast as though my life depended on it, which it did. With one final cry, the beast took off into the sky, leaving us to clean up the mess it had created. I let out a sigh of relief tossing the burning torch aside and turning to look at the prince who was behind me.

"Are you okay," I breathed out, slowly regaining control of my breathing.

"I thought I told you to stay on the balcony," He spoke sternly.

"What? No, thank you for saving your life," I said, crossing my arms in front of me. Arthur rolled his eyes.

"Thank you," He said under his breath.

"You are so graciously welcome your highness," I replied, curtsying sarcastically causing Arthur to laugh.

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