Valiant 5: The Final Duel

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Elizabeth's POV:

          Fire climbed the walls of the room, surrounding me n hot flames. I was trapped, no doors, no windows, no exit of any kind. Just me in the flaming room. Or so I thought, for when I opened my eyes, I came face to face with two fire red eyes.

          I woke up with a start, panting and gasping for air. It was as if my head had been under water for hours. My surroundings confused me, for instead of the stone walkways of the castle courtyard, I was greeted by the comforting feeling of my warm bed. 

"How did I get here," I asked myself, my thoughts were pulled away by the feeling of someone squeezing my hand. I looked to my left, surprised to see Prince Arthur sitting in a chair next to my bed. His head resting on his hand. His eyes closed.

"He must have stayed here with me," I thought to myself. Arthur stirred, his eyes cracking slightly open.

"Hey sleepy head," I said with a chuckle.

"Hey, you're awake," He said with a yawn, rubbing his tired eyes.

"Yeah... What happened," I asked tiredly.

"I was hoping you'd tell me that," He answered, stretching his arms, before taking my hand back in his. "You really gave me a scare."

"I'm sorry," I said with a smile, a hint of blush making its way onto my cheeks.  Hearing that he cared for my well-being made me feel some sort of way. Arthur gave me a sweet smile, before rising from his seat next to my bed.

"Where are you going," I asked, a bit sad that he was leaving.

"I have to get ready for the duel," He explained. I had completely forgotten the duel. With a loud sigh, I threw my covers off of me, throwing my legs over the side of the bed. 

"Give me a moment to regain my strength," I said, stretching my legs.

"No, no, no, no, what are you doing," Arthur asked hastily, trying to push me back to lying down.

"I'm going to get ready to watch the duel," I explain.

"No, you are going to rest," Arthur corrected.

"Yeah right, who else is going to make sure you don't die," I stated with a chuckle.

"Ellie, I'm being serious," Arthur said in a pleading voice.

"Well so am I. Arthur, Valiant could kill you today. I don't want to miss your last moments, having to find out you died while I lay here in bed. No, I am going to be there to make sure you don't die," I stated sternly.

"Fine," Arthur said with a smile. "You know, you're really adorable when you're stubborn."

"Sooo... I'm always adorable," I pried with a laugh. Arthur laughed as well. He helped me stand up, being patient with me as I gained my balance. Once he knew I was capable to stand on my own, he released the gentle hold he had on my arms, stepping back.

"So I'll see you out there," He asked, making sure I would be able to make it on my own.

"Yes... I can't let you go out there without your good luck charm," I  stated with a smile, gesturing to myself. Arthur laughed, taking one of my hands in his and giving it a gentle kiss, before leaving me to get ready.

>  >  >  >  >

            It was mid-day when I finally made my way down to the arena, Morgana and Gwen following closely behind me. We took our seats near the king, bowing before him before sitting down.

"Elizabeth, I am so happy to see you are feeling well," King Uther said with a smile. I smiled at him, my attention being pulled away by the sound of trumpets. Signaling that the duel was about to begin. Silence filled the arena as Prince Arthur and Valiant entered the area with their heads held high.  Arthur's eyes met mine, a smile creeping its way across his face as he saw me well. 

"Be careful," I mouthed from the crowd. Arthur nodded, his face becoming serious as he focused his attention on his father. King Uther rose from his seat, the once whispering crowd grows quiet as he opens his mouth to speak.

"Today, one of you shall become a man... a warrior... a winner. One of you shall be leaving this area alive, while the others shall not," Uther spoke, his words causing a lump to form in my throat. "Good luck to the both of you. May the best knight win."

          Cheers filled the area as the two knights turned to face one another. Both took hold of their sword that rest against their hip, pulling them out of the hilts. Silence, once more overtook the area as we all awaited the first attack. In one swift movement, Valiant raised his sword, delivering his first blow to Arthur, who blocked it with his shield. Arthur then retaliated, bringing his sword down, striking Valiant's shield. The crowd cheered for the two talented swordsmen as they dueled in the center, neither of them being able to overthrow the other. Suddenly, Arthur's sword made contact with Valiant's helmet, knocking it off his head. The crowd gasped, as the knight stumbled. Arthur then removed his helmet, throwing it off to the side. With one powerful cry, Valiant charged at Arthur, shoving him with his shield. He then knocked Arthur in the face with his shield, causing my hand to fly to my mouth.

          Arthur fell back onto his back, his face full of pain, that he quickly shook off. Valiant, came to stand over the prince, standing on his shield, making it impossible for Arthur to block. I scream in fear as Valiant brings down his sword, yet with a loud cry, Arthur blocked him with his sword. Arthur pulled his arm out of the shield straps, rolling out of the way of Valiant's sword. He then jumped up, turning to face his opponent, his eyes widening as he blocks another blow from Valiant. Valiant was fighting without honor, you could tell that he only cared to win. With a strong blow, he knocked Arthur's sword out of his hands, causing me to flinch. 

Suddenly, the impossible happened.  Fore, Valiant's shield came to life. The three-headed snake taking its true form as it snapped at Arthur, causing him to stumble back in surprise. The crowd gasped in surprise, everyone shocked to see that Valiant was using magic. Even Valiant was surprised, him not expecting the shield to come to the life.

"He's using magic," Uther announced, rising from his seat. 

"And now they see you for what you really are," Arthur yelled, causing his opponent to laugh. The snakes that once hung from the shield slither out, landing on the gravel floor.

"Kill Him," Valiant instructed the snakes. I looked next to me, seeing Uther's sword leaning against his chair. I quickly grabbed the gleaming blade.

"Arthur," I yelled, he turned to look at me. In one quick movement, I tossed the sword to Arthur, who caught it with a smile. "Good luck charm... Remember?"

          He nodded quickly, before turning to face the snakes. In one swift movement, he beheaded the slithering creatures, causing Valiant to yell in anguish. Arthur then strikes Valiant's sword, the blades sparking fire as they make contact. With Valiant now defenseless, Arthur made his final blow, stabbing Valiant in the chest. He then retracted his blade, looking up at his father, who wore a proud smile on his face. The crowd cheered for the prince, who had won the battle. Without even thinking, I jumped over the barrier that separated the center of the area from the seats. I rushed to Arthur, throwing my arms around him, catching him off guard. Arthur dropped his sword, wrapping his arms around me as well, lifting me into his arms and spinning me around. 

"You won," I exclaimed with a smile.

"Of course I won. I had my good luck charm in the front row," He stated happily.

"I give you Prince Arthur," Uther announced from the stands. "Your champion."

The crowd roared for the successful prince, who still clung to me, his arms still protectively encasing me.

>  >  >  >  >

Merlin's POV:

"See, I told you he gets all the girls and the glory," I stated to Guias, our focus on Elizabeth and Arthur that stood in the center of the arena. Their arms circled around one another. 

"And he owes it all to you," Gaius added. I nodded, smiling at my sister's happiness.

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