Valiant 4: Flash from the Past

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Elizabeth's POV:

            I leaned against the stone railing of the balcony that overlooked the courtyard. Gazing at Arthur who stood bellow, swinging his sword around as he practiced. Nightfall had overcome the kingdom, covering us in as blanket of stars. I've been standing here for hours, mesmerized by the way Arthur's sword glistened in the moonlight. The duel was tomorrow, and to say that I was not worried for the young prince would be a lie. I was terrified. What if Arthur died tomorrow? What would I do? I am pulled away from that thought when I head a whistle call to me. I look down, seeing Arthur looking back up at me.

"You're even more beautiful in the moonlight," He called quietly, causing me to blush.

"And you are even more handsome," I replied, Arthur beamed.

"Come down," He beckoned me to come and join him.

"Now," I asked with a laugh.

"No time like the present," He responded with a shrug.

"Give me a minute," I called, I quickly ran to my chamber door, swinging it open to reveal two startled guards standing on either side of it.

"As you were," I instructed, taking off down the hall. I went down the long flight of stairs, eager to make it to the courtyard. Once I finally made it, I was greeted with a kind smile from the blonde headed boy.

"Do you know how to use a sword," Arthur asked, holding out a sword for me to take.

"You made me come down from my room just to ask me to practice with you," My brows furrowed.

"Indeed I did," He said with a chuckle.

"Well then yes, I do know how to use a sword," I took the sword he held out to me, twirling it in my hand.

"Then give me you're best shot," Arthur instructed, motioning for me to strike him. I chuckle, and with a deep breath I strike first, our swords clang as they make contact with one another. Blow after blow, neither of us backing down. Sparks fly between the blades and in that moment something changed within me. The sight of the sparks and the memories that come with them took me by surprise. Flashes of images danced through my mind. The sound of distant screams filled my ears and the taste of smoke filled my lungs. I dropped my sword, the weight of it becoming to much for me to handle. Staggering back from the prince my hand flew to my chest, clutching at the fabric of my dress.

"I can't breathe," I thought to myself. I look up from the ground, a pair of blue eyes looking back at me with worry. Ringing fills my ears, causing my head to throb. I fall to my knee's, the distant screams and constant ringing drains me of my strength. A pair of strong arms take hold of me, grabbing my attention momentarily, Arthur's blue eyes look back at me. His mouth moves to form words, yet I am unable to hear them. I tried focusing on something.

Blue eyes. Arthur's eyes.

Slowly those eyes I have come to know so well change. Instead of the loving gaze they once held, a look of pure hatred filled them. Their once sky blue color turning red.

"Fire," I mumbled. With that, my eyes close and the darkness welcomes me.

> > > > >

Arthur's POV:

I watched in concern as Eli staggered away from me, her sword falling from her grasp. She looked up at me, her once joyful eyes now filled with tears.

"Ellie what's wrong," I asked, taking a cautious step towards her. A small cry escaped her lips as she fell to her knees. Her hands fly to her head as a pained scream leaves her lips.

"Ellie," I scream, dropping my sword. I slide to my knees in front of her. I take hold of her arms, her skin hot like fire.

"Ellie talk to me, what's wrong," I plead, her gaze focuses on me, her once hazel eyes now gold.

"Fire," She mumbled. She slumps forward, her eyes rolling back.

"Ellie...," I called, shaking her gently. "Elizabeth!"

I pull the fragile girl close to me, scared that if I let go she might fade away.

"Guards," I scream. Two guards come running from the castle, their eyes widening at the scene before them.

"Get Gaius," I instructed, yet neither of them moved. "Now!"

With that they take off back into the castle in search for the aged physician.

"Just hang on Ellie, please just hang on," I cried. Moments later the guards return with Gaius and Merlin.

"What happened," The physician asked, kneeling down across from me.

"I don't know she just collapsed," I explained hastily. Guias placed a gentle hand on Ellie's forehead.

"She's burning up. We need to take her back to her chambers," Guias stated, I nod. In one swift movement, I lift Elizabeth into my arms, her small frame feeling almost weightless.

"Merlin grab the swords," I ordered the frail boy, he nodded picking up the fallen weapons. With that I frantically make my way back into the castle.

> > > > >

I watched as Gaius ran tests on the motionless girl that lied on the bed. Her dark brown hair sprawled across her pillow. Framing her face like a lions main.

"Guias, what's wrong with her," I asked as I sat took a seat on the side of Eli's bed.

"I don't know," Guias sighed, stepping back from the girl. "Mostly because I don't know what happened."

"Arthur," Merlin called from the corner of the room. "What happened leading up to Ellie's blackout."

I sighed, "Ellie and I were sparring when she suddenly froze. She dropped everything clutching at her chest like she was struggling to breathe. Then she fell to her knees, screaming as her hands flew up to her head. She wouldn't tell me what was going on, she wouldn't even look at me in the eyes. Yet once she finally did look up at me, I saw..."

I paused for a brief moment, replaying the scene in my head, her eyes glowing gold, with a hint of red and orange specks.

"You saw what Arthur? What did you see," Guias asked carefully.

"Her eyes... They glowed gold,"I told the physician, I looked up to meet his frightened eyes.

"Gold," He repeated, questioning my words.

"The last thing she said to me was "fire" before passing out," I added.

"Fire," Merlin repeated. We stood there in silence, all of us processing my words. When suddenly, Guias's eyes widened in realization.

"Fire... her past," He spoke up, his eyes meeting mine.

"Guias what do you mean her past," I asked, a bit of concern laced in my voice.

"The attack on her kingdom... Arthur, you said when you first saw her in the town's court yards she didn't recall you. She couldn't remember."

"Yes," I answered. "Guias what are you getting at here?"

"What if she can't recall anything from her past and you two sparring in the courtyard brought back a memory. A flash back if you will,"Guias proposed. I looked over at Elizabeth's still form on the bed, recalling how she spaced out for a moment when we first spotted each other. How she spoke my name with a confused looked on her face, as if the name had never passed her lips before.

"It would explain a lot," I said with a nod.

"This may actually be useful," Guias added.

"How so," I asked, turning back to face the elder.

"If she is getting flashbacks, maybe she will be able to recall what happened the day of the attack. And better yet, who attacked," He explained.

Written Destinies (Arthur Pendragon)Where stories live. Discover now