A Remedy to Cure All Ills 8: Raised to Hate Monsters Like Me

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Elizabeth's POV:

            I could not believe it. I thought... No, I believed that it had only happened the one time. That my eyes only glowed that one time. Yet, I was sadly mistaken, for those who I trusted, who I believed would tell me everything, had forgotten to mention that it has happened once before. That my eyes glowed gold once before. The night that Arthur and I were playfully sparring, the night I fainted. Everyone told me when I woke up that it was probably from exhaustion. That I was just stressed about the following morning, the tournament. But that was all just to cover up the truth. 

            Yet, how would I have known that my eyes glowed gold that night, for I did not see it for myself? But Arthur did. Arthur saw for himself, he witnessed my eyes glow gold and he told Merlin and Gaius, yet he forgot to tell me. He knew there was something wrong with me, yet he did not see the need to mention it. You think you know somebody and believe you can trust them. Yet, in the end, they always seem to betray you. Arthur lied to me, he told me I was fine when I am clearly far from it.

            I sat in my room now in front of the fireplace. Watching as the flames danced around. Flashes of my haunting nightmare play through my head, causing tears to cascade down my face. I do not know how, but it was somehow my fault that my kingdom was destroyed. I just could not seem to remember. For all I can recall is fire.....

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Arthur's POV:

"I can't understand why Uther would sack him over one mistake," Merlin spoke from behind me. I was currently training with my sword, trying to brush off the events of this morning. Yet, no matter how hard I trained, hitting the sparring dummy with my sword, I could not seem to forget Gaius's sad expression. I turned to face my servant, my breathing labored.

"A mistake that nearly killed Elizabeth," I panted, I then turned back to the dummy made of straw and wood, raising my sword. "Besides, it wasn't the only one."

"What do you mean," Merlin asked, his voice full of confusion. I sighed, dropping my sword to my side and turning back to face the scrawny servant. 

"Edwin said his work was riddled with errors," I explained. Merlin shook his head in disbelief. 

"That's nonsense," He stated.

"No one wants Gaius to go, but my father's made his decision," I stated with a sigh. "There's nothing anyone can do."

"Gaius can't leave," came a quiet voice. I looked over Merlin's shoulder to find Gwen approaching. "I don't trust Edwin. There was no blood in Elizabeth's ear, he put it there. He did something to her, I know he did."

"Gwen, what are you talking about," I asked, a wave of concern washing over me. 

"I saw him do it. When he asked you to give him some space to work. I went in with a bucket of cold water and a towel. I hoped to help, maybe bring down Elizabeth's fever. Yet, instead, I saw Edwin pull something out of Elizabeth's ear," She explained.

"Why are you only speaking out now," Merlin questioned.

"At the time I thought he was helping," She explained. 

"Merlin, find Gaius and bring him back to the castle," I ordered. "I need to find my father."

"Gaius is already gone," Gwen said sadly. "I told him the same, yet he said there was nothing he could do."

"Then we must find Edwin ourselves," I stated, Merlin and Gwen nodded in agreement.

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