The Dragons Call: Our Arrival

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           All I've ever felt is lost. Like I never belonged. Like I was living in the shadows, never to see the light. I've always been the outcast in the village, in search of acceptance. Yet, the only person who seemed to care about me was my brother, Merlin. He saw me as special, but I really could never see why. What's so special about an orphan girl?

          Yes.. Orphan... Merlin's parents found me lost in the woods when I was twelve... Or at least that's what they tell me. I don't remember much from my past, most of it's a blur. The only thing I do remember is the sounds of laughter being overthrown by screams of terror. Fire climbing the walls of my vision whenever I tried to remember my past life.

The only thing I have from my blurry childhood is a pendant I wear around my neck, which I never take off.

Now though Merlin was not my real brother, we have always had a strong bond. Wherever he went, I went.

          So, here we are, entering the gateway of Camelot, the kingdom was certainly a place of beauty. The only other kingdom I've seen is Essetir. The kingdom where Ealdor, our village, was sadly located. The kingdom was ruled by Cenred's, a cruel king who cared little about his people, most of whom lived in poverty. It was a sad place to live, people rarely smiled.

          The smell of baked goods and spices filled the air as me and Merlin made our way through the bustling crowds of people. I was amazed by the genuine sense of happiness that radiated off the towns folk. Something I wasn't quite familiar with. 

A strange silence fell over the people as they all shifted their attention to the castle, slowly making their way to the courtyard. Merlin and I curiously followed, finding a crowd of people surrounding a large platform.

"What's going on," I asked Merlin. He gave me a small shrug in return. My question was soon answered, for a regal looking man made his way to the edge of a balcony that oversees the crowd bellow. Uther, the king of Camelot.

"Let this serve as a lesson to all," Uther stated, His voice was that of a king, strong, powerful merciless,Hateful. "This man,Thomas James Collins, is adjudged guilty of conspiring to use enchantments and magic. And pursuant to the laws of Camelot, I, Uther Pendragon, have decreed that such practices are banned on penalty of death."

It is then I notice the victim of his words. A broken man, his eyes tired as though he hasn't slept in days, and his skin pale, yearning for sunlight. He stood upon the platform in the center of the crowd, his hands shackled behind his back.

"I pride myself as a fair and just king, but for the crime of sorcery, there is but one sentence I can pass," Uther continued, nodding his head in assurance. I feel Merlin tense up beside me, his eyes focused on the man on the platform, who is now being forced to kneel. An ax being held over his neck.

"Ohh, my god," I mumbled as the ax is brought up, I quickly turn away burring my head in Merlin's chest. Gasps filled the air, followed by a low thud of ax hitting wood. 

"When I came to this land, this kingdom was mired in chaos, but with the peoples help, magic was driven from the realm. So I declare a festival. TO celebrate twenty years since the great dragon was captured, and Camelot freed from the evil of sorcery. Let the celebrations begin," Uther concluded, turning away from the crowd to enter back into the kingdom. Yet he was stopped by to sound of a woman's wails coming from the crowd. The back of her head is the only thing visible to my eyes.

"There is only one evil in this land and it is not magic. It is you," She bellowed, clutching her worn clothes. She sucks in a shaky breath before continuing, "With your hatred and your ignorance.... You took my son."

Written Destinies (Arthur Pendragon)Where stories live. Discover now