The Poison Chalice 3: Off to Find a Cure

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Arthur's POV:

"No," My father stated sternly as we walked the empty halls of the castle. I had asked for permission to go on the dangerous quest of retrieving the antidote. Yet, without giving it a second thought my father automatically shot down the question.

"I won't fail no matter what you think," I stated.

"Arthur, you are my only son and heir. I can't risk losing you for the sake of somebody else's life," My father explained harshly.

"This isn't just someone else father," I whined. "This is Elizabeth we are talking about. Does her life mean nothing to you?"

"I never said that, Elizabeth is like a daughter to me," My father spoke. "But she can not take the throne when I die."

"I can save her father, let me take some men," I begged.

"No," he sternly spoke through his teeth.

"We'll find the antidote and bring it back," I continued.

"No," He exclaimed.

"Why not," I asked, growing impatient. Each minute ticking by is a minute of Elizabeth's life drifting away.

"Because one day I'll be dead and Camelot will need a king," My father explained. "I'm not going to let you jeopardize the future of this kingdom over some fool's errand."

"It's not a fool's errand. Gaius says that if we can...," I began.

"Gaius says? That's exactly what makes it so," Father exclaimed.

"Please father," I beg. "She saved my life. I can't go through losing her again. I can't stand by and watch her die."

"Then don't look," He spoke softly. "She won't be the last to die on your behalf. You're going to be king. It's something you'll have to get used to."

"I can't accept that," I stated, shaking my head.

"You're not going," My father exclaimed, turning to face me.

"You can't stop me," I yell back.

"Damn it, Arthur! That's an end to it," Father stated. "You're not leaving this castle tonight!"

With that my father storms off, leaving me to think over his words.

^ * ^ * ^ * ^ * ^ * ^

I stormed back to my room, throwing open the wooden doors and entering my chambers in a fit of rage. I throw my sword down on the table in the center of the room then walk over to the fireplace, leaning against the banister, my eyes watering slightly. A silent knock calls me from my fit, pulling my attention to the door. There standing in the doorway was Morgana, her arms folded in front of her.

"Say what you'd like about the food, but you can't beat our feasts for entertainment," She said softly with a sad smile.

"Morgana, I'm sorry. I should have made sure you were all right," I said, turning back to face the fireplace.

"Disappointed, actually. I was looking forward to clumping a couple around the head with a ladle," She said with a forced laugh.

"I'm sure the guards could have handled Bayard and his men," I commented, earning a glare in return.

"Yeah. But why let the boys have all the fun," She said with a snarky smirk.

"Morgana, you shouldn't get involved. It's dangerous," I stated.

"Spare me the lecture. I already had it from Uther," She whined, rolling her eyes.

"If it's any consolation, you weren't the only one," I said softly.

"Not that I listened to him," She said. "Sometimes you've got to do what you think is right and damn the consequences."

"You think I should go," I asked, turning to face her.

"It doesn't matter what I think," She stated gently.

"If I don't make it back, who will be the next king of Camelot," I asked. "There's more than just my life at stake."

"And what kind of king would Camelot want," She asked seriously, her eyes boring into mine. "One that would risk his life to save someone who saved his or one who does what his father tells him to."

^ * ^ * ^ * ^ * ^ * ^

With no time to waste I hastily packed for my journey to retrieve the cure. I put on my chain mail and had Merlin sharpen my sword. Before leaving, I stopped by Gaius's chambers once more, checking on Elizabeth. The room was dim, only a few candles kept it lit. There, lying in the middle of the room was Elizabeth, lying peacefully on the coat. I approached the coat, taking in Ellie's appearance. Her once tan complexion was now pale, almost lifeless looking. Her lips were dry, with a blue tint to them. Her beautiful curls framed her face on the pillow, like a beautiful art piece. I lean down and place a gentle kiss on Elizabeth's sweaty brow.

"I'll be back Ellie," I whisper gently. "I promise."

With those final words, I set off, bolting to the stables where I saddled my horse. I then jumped onto its back, giving it two gentle kicks in the side. The horse flies out of the stables, its hooves tapping on the stone road as I ride through the kingdom and out the gates. I don't dare look behind me, for if I do, I fear I might change my mind. So I press on, the wind blowing through my hair as I race to find a cure.

Written Destinies (Arthur Pendragon)Where stories live. Discover now