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"Who are you again?" Bronson asked. The interrogation room was very echoey, with cold, steel grey walls and a cold, steel table. A chubby man was chained to the table from his knuckles; "I'm Luclan. Luclan Jones." He had a very thick 50s American gangster accent; "I work for Dong. Don Dong Seamus. Y'know the mob boss." "Dong Seamus?" Bronson asked and Luclan nodded, his brown eyes were dark and they matched his hair. "Just yesterday, our gang was called in by some guy. So was Falcon's gang. To a Warehouse. Some guy, said his name was Snake, wanted us to do some job for 'im. A job outta town." Bronson stood up straight, folded his arms and thought about what he was saying; "Okay...." He hesitated for a while before continuing what he was going to say; "Thanks Luclan for your honesty, you're free to go."

Luclan walked out of the office with a hop and skip in his jump. He was so happy he wasn't going to prison. Jerry lay flat on the top of a nearby building. A shiny, silver sniper rifle pressed against his cheek. He spoke to himself but was heard through the ear piece he wore; "Kill him, yeah?" A voice replied back quietly, but loud enough for him to hear it clearly from the earpiece; "Yep. One shot. Don't leave any clues. One shot, clean through the skull. Got it?" Jerry nodded and looked through the scope and lined up the shot. He followed Luclan as he walked and then he stopped walking. He started to call someone, Jerry slammed his finger against the trigger and the bullet flew through the air. The air rippled around the bullet as it zoomed, it collided with Jerry's head and the blood splattered up the wall.

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