All the officers lined up exactly where Snake's gang instructed them too. Right next to the cliff side. They could all hear the peaceful crush of the waves and calming call of seagulls. But then it freaked them out when they thought of crashing with the waves and dying. Snake hopped out of a jet black car with a shiny black gun in hand. He smiled menacingly and walked up and down the long line of officers.
"Hello Officers. Welcome to...well to your doom. Today you will all be saying goodbye to your lives. I'm sure you said goodbye to loved ones and such. Yes? Good. So let's set out the rules, shall we?" He said, stepping back from the crowd and put a microphone to his mouth. His voice was projected so that everyone could hear him, and everyone's hairs stood up on end. They shivered and squealed as the psychopath spoke.
"So, one by one we are going to push you off of this cliff. If you survive and try to escape, we'll shoot you. If you put up a fight, we will break your arms and legs and throw you over the cliff. So basically, just let us kill you." He smirked evilly. His eyes glowed in the sunlight and Bronson stepped forward; "Snake!" He called out with his hand in the air, trying to get Snake's attention. When he looked he walked closer and yelled; "Me and you. If I win, you go to prison as does your gang. Your bomb is destroyed and all these officers are freed. If you win, do what you want to me and do as you wish with this town. Deal?" Snake considered the offer for a while. A minute or two went by before Snake finally shook Bronson's hand and said into an earpiece; "Whatever happens between me and Bronson, do not engage unless I give permission. No matter what." He smiled and backed away a few feet, throwing the microphone to the ground and removing his tatty bomber jacket; "Let's tango Bronson!" He said with a smug grin.

Mystery / ThrillerOne year after the riots, the same town will be attacked by three gangs who have united to make everything go back to anarchy. The Rioters are dead, but this time an even deadlier, more lethal threat is amongst them.