"Do you know any Snake?" Bronson asked entering Logan's office and closing the door quietly behind him. He settled down into that same leather seat Logan had placed in his office. He settled down nicely and felt totally relaxed. Logan took a while to reply and didn't sit down. Instead he had his hand on his chin in a thinking sort of manner and stared out of the dirty windows . "Sorry." He finally replied and settled down in his own chair, opposite Bronson; "I don't know any Snake, do you?" Bronson asked again and Logan drifted off into thought and as he spoke, he stared at nothing; "Snake was a good friend of mine. Back when I was part of The Rioters. As was he. Me, him and the others, who betrayed The Rioters, did what we did and went our separate ways. Snake and me never spoke again, until two years ago. Someone said they saw him kill someone and we tracked him down. He didn't go easily so we beat him to unconciousness and dragged him into custody. He denied murder and I believed him, but he wasn't happy I busted his face. Last year, Jason came back wanting to kill all the traitors from seven years ago and he killed Snake. So maybe it's not him. Maybe it is. I don't know." Bronson nodded and the room was silent for a while. Every now and then they heard footsteps from outside and a voice speak. The clock ticked silently and irritatingly and a minute or two went by; "Do you know anywhere we could go? Anyone close to Snake who could tell us anything?" Logan shook his head but soon after clicked his fingers and leaned forward in his chair; "His Doctor back in the prison. He saw him regularly. We need to go to the prison." Bronson nodded and they left with no further questions asked.
The Prison looked tired. Of course, metaphorically. But it was old and tattered. The wall surrounding the building, was covered in thick, dark green vines that stretched along its surface like old, witchy fingers. The building itself was bland and dull. Dark grey bricks were its structure and dozens of bricks were missing, allowing light to seep in. The bricks could probably be slid out with a touch.
The room, this room in particular, was very clean compared to the rest of the run down mad house. Its walls were very smooth, just like the floor, and almost shiny. It was still a dark room but the flickering light on the ceiling fixed that. The Doctor was about Bronson's height and was much skinnier and much paler. He had a scruffy, brown beard and an almost bald head. A head with not many hairs occupying it.
"Can I help you?" He asked as he sat down in his chair infront of his metal desk. Bronson sat on the edge and Logan sat in the opposing chair.
"Yes, you can Doctor. We need to know about snake." Logan asked with a pleasing grin.
"Ah, Snake. Bradley Gates. He was terribly insane, y'know. But I tend to see insanity as a thing of beauty. Bad if there's too much of it but good if there's a slight bit in you that makes you more fun. Too much normality is too bland and boring. Even though his insanity is uncombrehendable, his was a rare type of insanity. As I said, too much is bad but he had so much he was a great specimen. He had beautiful development. But behind every bad person or thing there's a story." He went on to say, Bronson started to feel bored, the Doctor's speech was slow, posh and quite slurred; "His father was a beater. Did you know that? His father beat him, his sister and his wife up all the time. He went out and drunk so much. One night Bradley's mother got angry and had an argument with his father, thus leading to his Father murdering his mother."
"Bradley and his sister were put into care after their Father's arrest and their Mother's murder. Adopted by a nice couple in Norfolk. But his sister grew depressed and attempted suicide infront of him. When it failed, their adoptive parents saw and she blamed him. He was given up and put into another foster home. Eventually he was adopted again and he was happy, obviously the memories haunted him. One day he was walking along and saw a woman being, well, raped infront of him. He attacked the rapist and killed him. Of course the woman was relieved but the law had other plans. Brought him here for murder at the age of sixteen. He was sentenced for ten years but after six years, his development was too great. He was let out by me and my team and he joined that stupid Rioters club." Logan and Bronson nodded taking Snake's awful story into consideration. His mental state could easily be blamed on his past, but still. The Doctor continued speaking after a while's pause; "He joined that gang and planned that assassination but he fell in love with Theresa. She began to refuse the plan as the time drew nearer and so he and the others planned to betray them. During the time between the Riots last year and seven years ago, he and Theresa set up a business."
"What business?" Bronson asked sitting beside Logan now, his bottom ached from the hardened metal table. It was also quite chilly.
"A business that protetcted you from gang's beating on you if you forgot to pay them. Or being evicted, or not paying rent. They did it for you. In return, they wanted thirty pounds a month. If you stopped paying and had no reason as to why you stopped they would beat you until you agreed to pay them. If you kept denying it, they eventually killed you. Snake didn't of course, his henchman did that. But during the riots last year, everyone doubted that Snake and Theresa would survive so stopped paying. If he is still alive, seen as you want to know, he will make them pay in a horrific way because they doubted him." Bronson nodded in time with Logan's nod. The Doctor asked if there was anything else but when they replied with a question of if Snake was alive still, he shrugged his shoulders. And then a question clicked in Bronson's head and he quickly asked; "If Snake found out his original base was infiltrated, where would his new hideout be? Is there somewhere that Snake ever mentioned that he loved, a favourite location or something?"
The Doctor nodded and replied without thought; "The caves. The caves on Burners Street. He always said he went there when he needed to relax. Said he got engaged with Theresa there and that was where they would marry." The two police men nodded and thanked the Doctor for his help, they left the Prison without looking back upon its run down properties and entered their car.

Mystery / ThrillerOne year after the riots, the same town will be attacked by three gangs who have united to make everything go back to anarchy. The Rioters are dead, but this time an even deadlier, more lethal threat is amongst them.