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"What happened?" Logan yelled as he burst into the bank. Bronson looked up and Barbara rushed in front of him; "The gang must've broken in whilst the parade was on." She explained and Logan nodded. "Sir, we are led to believe this gang might have something to do with the Rioters." Bronson said. His voice sounded shaky and worried, Logan's eyes were angry and he snapped back; "What do you mean?" Bronson hesitated and turned around a took a photo of off one of his colleagues; "Here." He handed Logan the photo and Logan stared at it in shock; "It says that; at the final day of the month the fires will burn like they did a year ago." Bronson explained and Logan beckoned for a seat. He perched himself on a sofa and he couldn't stop gawping at the image; "Maybe it doesn't. Maybe they are just referencing to last year's incidents." Bronson shook his head and handed him another photo; "Their symbol. Their symbol was the anarchy thingy right? An anarchy thing with a gun? There you are." Logan couldn't believe it and he felt like collapsing on the floor. The Rioters couldn't come back; it was impossible. But maybe they are coming back.

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