Chapter 1

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I own none of the characters except for
y/n. This story will not follow the storyline of any of the Harry Potter book and will not even be entirely accurate.

For the sake of the story, Snape and all characters that were supposed to be his age (such as Remus) will be aged 32.

Y/n is 16 in her 6th year. I know it sounds bad for people in America but this story doesn't take place in America so laws are different. The age of consent there is in fact 16.

I walk through the dungeon halls quietly as everyone begins to disperse to their common rooms. The sorting ceremony felt as though it dragged on forever this year. It would have been fine had I gotten any sleep last night, but my excitement kept me alert. I come upon my destination and creak open the door without knocking.

"Hello?" I peak my head inside the room. "Severus?" I whisper hoping no one else is here. The classroom is empty.

I allow myself inside and begin looking around. Walking over to his desk I find a fresh cup of coffee still steaming. I walk around and plop myself into his chair knowing he'll be back any minute. I lift the mug into my hand and take small sips as I analyze the paperwork scattered across his desk.

Already have our shit ton of homework mapped out for the week, huh, Sev?

I scoff. I take another sip, hearing the classroom door open and close.

"Y/n." He sighs rolling his eyes. "That wasn't for you." He gestures to his coffee in my hand.

"I'm your best friend, Severus. What's yours is mine, what's mine is ours." I grin as he rolls his eyes again, shooing me from his seat.

"Why yes! I had a lovely summer thanks for asking. It's nice to hear you missed me too." I say sarcastically as he takes the mug from my hand. I pull a seat up in front of his desk. "So how have you been?"

"Very busy." He lifts the mug to his mouth, sipping from the same place I had only seconds before.

"Yes, I can see that. You can't really expect me to finish all of this work, can you?"

"This is for my seventh years, y/n. Don't fret. Your class work is over there." He motions behind him. I get up and walk over to the piles of organized papers.

"Hm. Not bad. But that's the shit I have to look forward to next year? No thanks." I refer back to the untidy papers he's attempting to organize. He ignores me. "Need any help?" I soften my words at the look of his frustrated eyebrows furrowed together.

"Yes... Go ahead and just sort them based on the assignment number. Peeves thought it would be funny to frighten me this afternoon and I dropped them everywhere." He explains causing me to chuckle.

"So what did you do besides sulk around all summer?" I gather a hand full of papers and begin organizing them.

"I don't sulk." I raise a brow at his lie.

"Yes, just as I don't bother you." He scoffs in response.

"What about you?" The topic is shifted over to me.

"Um... the usual. Argued with my dad, watched after my sisters, argued with my mom some more. George snuck me out to stay at the burrow with him for about a week. Came home and got my ass beat for sneaking out." I chuckle at the memory. "Same old, same old."

"You're a menace to yourself, y/n." He shakes his head at me. "You know how your father is yet you do the same shit over and over again. Why must you purposely get yourself in trouble? " He looks up at me. I pretend to be in deep thought.

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