Chapter 2

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I forgot to mention that in this story Voldemort does NOT exist.

BECAUSE Voldemort doesn't exist, Albus Dumbledore never had the chance to be a bitch. (lmfao i don't like Dumbledore)

But in this story he's cool so don't worry.

Pure-blood supremacy is still a thing though because in life there are still racists despite how awful it is.

So i think that's all you need to know for now.

"So, Remus. Can I call you Remus? Well— I suppose I could just call you 'Lupin' without the 'Professor' part..."

"Um— I don't think—"

"Great! Remus it is! So what's the story with you and Severus?" I ask. He raises a brow at me. "Don't look like you don't know what I'm talking about. I think you guys— or rather, he made it pretty obvious that the two of you aren't on good terms."

"No I suppose not. That's a story for another time though. One I probably shouldn't share with a student." I laugh.

"I understand." I laugh. "But I'll get it out of one of you sooner or later."

"So I take it you're quite close with him?"

"Not just him. Just the ones I like." I side-eye him. "Mainly Severus and Minerva. And Sybill. She's sweet."

"And you call your professors by their first names?" He furrows his brows.

"Only if they let me. They never seem to mind. And Albus seems to like me too much to scold or even correct me." The two of us approach his classroom and he pushes it with his back, holding it open for me.


"Why what?"

"Why do you spend time getting to know your professors rather than getting to know your peers?"

"I know my peers well enough. I'd rather not spend my time with people I can hardly stand. I have my small group of friends and that's all I need." He nods his head taking in the information. I follow him to his desk and place my stack of papers beside his. "So... You're not an awful teacher are you?"


"You're not going to make me hate this class or anything? Because let me say I have high hopes for you."

"Well— I don't know. I mean—"

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to give you thorough evaluation by the end of the week." I wink at him, smiling. Students begin filling into the classroom and I take my spot in the back. I feel Draco's hand slide down my back as he takes his place beside me.

"Where'd you disappear to?"

"To introduce myself to the new professor of course." He rolls his eyes at me.

"You need to spend more time with people your age."

"So I've heard."

The rest of class goes by fast. I hardly pay attention to the subject as my train of thought keeps drifting off to the scars on Remus' face. He's an interesting person. Very adorable. Like a lost puppy. Despite his harsh scars he has a very kind face.

"Come on, y/n. We're leaving." I'm pulled back to reality by Draco.

By lunch time, I'm too tired to do much of anything. I see George on my way to the Great Hall and walk with him there. We talk about our classes and he tells me about the rest of his summer.

He and Fred accidentally set fire to his bed and they had been forced to share one for the last week they were home. The mental image is quite funny. When we get to the Great Hall I look up to find that Severus isn't there.

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