Chapter 3- The Tower

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Warnings: Still needs editing and has swearing!

Thank you to those who have started reading! I try to upload a chapter every day on weekdays!


*3 days later*

"Baby are you sure this is what you want?" Matthew asks standing at my door as I do up my bag "where is Wade?" I ask "upset about you leaving as always" Matthew says crossing his arms leaning on the door frame as I pick up my bag. "In the bedroom?" I ask to go see him but Matthew blocks my way "Amelia I may only be your step-uncle but I am worried, I saw what you went through those years of healing at the Andersons then I saw your heartbreak when the Avengers rejoined are you sure you know what you are doing?" he asks and I paused.

Finding out Bucky was safe made me happy but I can't hide the selfishness I felt at knowing we couldn't be together after he joined the Avengers.

"I know" I say with a sigh "but the Andersons funeral is in 3 weeks and I can't miss it so staying is the only option and if that means joining the Avengers then so be it" The funeral was being done by Shield so if I went on the run now it would only mean missing that and I needed to say goodbye.

I never got to say goodbye to my real parents

"It is why I will never work for the government they are cruel" he says and I nod agreeing.

I was worried about seeing the others but it was better to get it over and done with just because I am joining the team doesn't mean I have to be with my soulmates "Don't forget any trouble and I want to know straight away we won't hesitate to pull you out of there. Now come and give me a hug before Wade struggle to let you go" he says and I smile hugging Matthew "take care of him" I whisper like I always have done.

Matthew kisses the top of my head "I always will" he replies the same way he always has "just make sure to take care of yourself baby, you forget it is okay to not be okay, you don't need to be brave all the time" he says and I smile pulling back.

"I will let you know my decision and be ready after the funeral" I say and he nods "let's go to Wade so you can say goodbye then"

We find Wade on the bed in his Deadpool outfit but his mask off as he is surrounded by tubs and tubs of empty ice cream laying all over the bed and floor.

"My bunny is leaving me again" he pouts as we look at the mess making Matthew grumble "I promise it won't be forever and this time I will only be in the city so we can meet more often you shouldn't be sad" I say walking to him and he pulls me into a hug "every day then?" he asks and I pull back with a frown "putting up with you every day?" I joke "no thanks" he scoffs playfully pushing me "to think I was going to save you a tub of ice cream"

"Liar" I say and he grins "okay but the thought did pass my mind" he says.

"That in itself means a lot to him" Matthew says being serious and I knew it to "will you message me every day? I want a call every night to know you are okay! Then we must meet at least 3 times a week-" he says and I laugh "1 time a week depending on training and missions but I promise to call at least once a day" I say and he grumbles that it isn't enough before hugging me again.

"I lost my parents, my sister and then nearly you, I can not lose you bunny" he says and I tear up but blink the tears back "you be safe too" I say "you and Matthew are all I have left as well" I say half pulling back as he and Matthew grin at each other giving that look.

"You thinking what I am thinking?" Wade asks and Matthew grins. It takes me a few seconds to click but when I do I try running for it but it was too late as they both begin to hug me to death in a hug sandwich "let me go!" I say but my voice is muffled between them.

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