Chapter 21- The Car Chase

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Warnings: Like one swear word I think and needs editing!


"Amelia!" Wanda says running to me as the elevator doors with open arms and I hug her feeling relief from her comfort instantly "Я убью своего брата! Мы не знали, клянусь" (I am going to kill my brother! We didn't know I swear) she says and I nod pulling away as she looks me over concerned "I was saying to the others about ordering pizza once you woke! I was so worried after you lost control- I mean we can watch a movie or- I don't care whatever you want like I said I was so worried-"

"Давай, детка, пусть Брюс сначала ее осмотрит" (Come on babe let Bruce look her over first) Nat says and my eyes widen for a few seconds forgetting she also knew Russian. "Okay" Wanda sighs stepping back and I take in the large room.

We stood in what looked to be like their own private living room and it was just as big as the one downstairs.

"Yes come sit Amelia" Bruce says putting a bag down on the coffee table and pointing at a seat next to Thor "yes come sit lady sister" Thor grins patting the seat next to him and I follow sitting down "hand" Bruce says not with a pleased look on his face and I give it to him. 

"Almost gave me a hulk attack" Bruce says with a frown not looking at me as he checks my hand pulling the plaster off then frowning at the dry blood since I pulled out my IV "a hulk attack?" I ask confused and he looks up at me "I thought something bad had happened to you while under my care... I thought you were taken" he says getting some cotton and dipping it in alcohol but I just tilt my head.

Taken? I hiss a little as he applies it to my hand. 

"When Bruce loses control of his emotions the hulk can come out and you really made him worry" Sam explains sitting next to Thor and my eyes widen.

"I am sorry.. really I just panicked" I say looking elsewhere feeling guilty "need to get your temperature" he says pulling out a thermometer "open" he says and I look back opening my mouth as he places it in sighing "the Avengers are my family and your one of us now, so if you are feeling like sneaking of at least give one of us a heads up so we don't need to worry especially after earlier" Bruce says taking it out of my mouth after it beeping looking at it with a sigh "still a bit high but has calmed down a lot. Resting now will do you some good once you get some food you will be fine" he says and I nod. 

"Speaking off here is your phone" Nat says throwing it to me and I catch it "wanna go do what you gotta do then we can order food?" Nat asks and I nod "but hurry up I am starving!" Sam says and Thor nods "yes lady sister please hurry up on your Midgardian device so we may order through the Midgardian food travel!" Thor beems. 

"We talked about this Thor its called a phone! and its called takeaway delivery!" Clint sighs finding his seat on the sofa "is there somewhere?" I ask as Bruce stands up after doing up his little first aid bag "that's the spare room you are more than welcome to stay there tonight" Nat says and I nod a thanks standing up I look at my phone seeing it oddly quiet. 

I then walk into the spare room walking to the double bed and sitting down pulling up Wade's contact I hit call and wait but it goes straight to voicemail making me worry "hey sorry I know you are on a job right now but I-" I pause not sure what to tell him "could you just call me when you get this?" I say hanging up with a sigh.

Wade could be anywhere which means any time zone or he could be right in the middle of something, I might have to wait a bit. I then try Matthew knowing he normally answers if Wade doesn't but frown as he doesn't.

I try again then wait ten minutes but with no call back has a bad feeling sitting in my stomach.

Maybe they are both too caught up in Wade's work or sleeping. They are fine they always are I tell myself leaving a message to Matthew that I need to speak to Wade.

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