Chapter 40- The Voice

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"Do you Noah Rumlow take Amelia Mancha as your lawfully wedded wife?" Brock asks making sick rise in my throat as I try and escape but I couldn't move "yes of course" the guard from the tower smiles at me squeezing my hands as I try to pull them back but they were locked to the ground by heavy chains as well as my feet "do you Amelia Mancha take Noah Rumlow as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"No! Never!" I snap trying to pull me back "carry on" a guy says near the front making me freeze and look over at him.

He stood tall with dark brown long hair and blazing blue eyes that looked exactly like mine. He looks directly at me giving me an almost a proud smile making me confused "you may kiss the bride!" Brock smirks making my eyes widen as Noah pulls me forward forcing his lips on mine but I bite his making him laugh as he rips his lips back and they bleed "I like feisty just wait until the real kiss" he whispers wiping the blood off his mouth as people begin to clap "I announce you as husband and wife congratulations Mr and Mrs Rumlow!" Brocks announces making everyone cheer.

"I will see you soon my love next time we kiss you will be awake"

I wake up with a hiss feeling the strain along my arm in an unwanted burn "morning" a voice says making me blink up seeing Nat sitting next to me her legs are propped up on the chair reading a comic book "I never understood Clint's obsession with them but now I can begin to understand" she says and I frown a little bit confused lifting my hand to my mouth as I still felt the kiss and tasted blood. 

"You hungry?" she asks throwing the comic book down on the other seat "what did I say about getting me when she woke?" Bruce asks with a frown walking in seeing I was up.

"How are you feeling?" he asks but I don't reply just staring at him blankly still laying down.

They saved me.

But I did not want to be saved.

"The burn will go with time" he says walking over to the bed to check the bandages around my wrist "since you are a super soldier you heal faster but you cut deep we are lucky Tonys new medical engineering equipment managed to stop the bleeding in time and fix the vein normal medics wouldn't be able to do it consider how you cut it"  he mumbles the last bit to himself "Can you move your arm for me?" he asks but I don't reply still silently staring at him and he sighs looking at me worriedly "please" he pleads his skin looking a little greener so I move the hand.

"Good no nerve damage" he smiles in relief as his skin turns back to normal "give a few days top you will be fully healed. I have pain medication for you to take as well as folic acid, vitamin c and vitamin b-12 with iron capsules just to help build red blood back" he says leaving some tablets next to me "be taking them while I change the water bag" he says placing a cup down on the side as he moves to change the drip bag which was almost empty.

"Everyone wanted to be in this room and wait for you to wake but I didn't think you would want to be surrounded" Nat says "can you sit up for me?" she asks but I close my eyes letting a tear fall down.

I can't believe any of this.

"I know" she whispers softly "I have been where you are" she says "we both have" Bruce admits behind me changing the bag.

I open my eyes and look at them both in surprise "I got low.. I didn't see an end so I put a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spit it out" he admits and I frown "did it get better?" I whisper and he gives me a small smile for finally speaking " took time but it got better in a way that I never thought it would" he admits and I nod.

"I have killed more people than you can ever imagine.." Nat admits "Nat" Bruce says sadly "I don't talk much about my time with at the red room but I killed innocents.. children" she admits and my eyes widen "for me it will never get easier but I try to make it up to the world by saving as many people as I can"

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