Chapter 30- Goodbye Andersons

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Warnings: Swearing and needs editing.


Amelia P.O.V

"Bunny" Wade says knocking on the door but I didn't want to speak to anyone "go away!" I shout "speak to us Amelia don't close yourself off we are worried-" Matthew says but a meow cut him off "doll... I brought Alpine up" Bucky says and I sigh.

"Jarvis let them in" I say and the door almost comes on its hinges being flown open. Wade moves first coming up to the bed hugging me and I hug him back hiding my face into his shoulder "I'm sorry I didn't tell you" he whispers "I just didn't want you to have to worry or hate your mum for not telling you or Lucas" he says and I still.

"So dad didn't know?" I ask not caring he wasn't my real father to me he is my dad "no baby he didn't"

If he remembered would he regret it all?

"I thought mum turned good... I thought she wanted out of Hydra but she only left because of Victor" I mumble sadly realising my mum wasn't the person I thought she was and Wade frowns pulling back concern in his eyes "Bunny.." he says and I meet his.

I can't imagine what it was like for him to have his sister turn to Hydra.

"I know" I say understanding the same pain in his eyes "it's just hard" I mumble and he nods pulling my head to his lips kissing my forehead "your mum and dad still loved you and no matter what he was your dad blood or not" he says and I nod trying to stop the tears.

But in the end, I think he loved Hydra more.

Was that why he was willing to let them do that to me?

This all felt like a massive stab to my chest. 

"Here doll" Bucky says in a whisper placing Alpine down on the bed with his cat bed "go cheer mummy up" I hear him whisper and Alpine runs towards me mowing and I smile softly picking her up as Wade pulls back. 

"Will you guys stay after the funeral? Then we will leave first thing the next morning?" I ask them and Wade frowns. I ignore the way Bucky freeze "Bunny your decision has been made with anger have some time first-" he says "my decision won't change I need to leave Wade" I say sternly and he frowns "doll- you know Wanda loves you she does not mean that-" Bucky tries.

It's not just her who thinks this way though.

"Have you thought about the funeral tomorrow and who you are bringing?" Matthew asks changing the subject and I shrug "not really" I lie.

I had.

Before this.

This changes everything.

How do I even know who wants to even come now? 

Who even likes me enough to want to come?

I was a granddaughter to someone that hurt the team and the way they looked at me...

It was like I personally hurt them. 

"I will let Jarvis know" I say and the three nod "for now though.. I want to be left alone to think" I say looking to my uncles "you both go home and I will see you in the morning" I say to them but Wade eyes widen "no bunny we aren't leaving-"

"If she wants space you need to give it to her" Matthew says and I give him a thankful look. Wade pouts but decides not to argue "I love you bunny" he says hugging me "and I love you too" I say wanting to ask so much more about my parents but decide it can wait till after the funeral "we will head off then baby and see you first thing tomorrow if you need anything call me" Matthew says hugging me next and I return it waving goodbye to them as Matthew had to pull a sad-looking Wade out of the room.

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