What if Amelia left?

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Originally from my oneshot book but decided to add on!

So this carries on from Chapter 2 in 6 Soulmates after she decides to meet Nat and Clint in Queens. Hope you enjoy!


As I walk up to the cafe I see them sitting there Hawkeye and BlackWidow sat already cups in hand as Nat's eyes meet mine through the glass lifting her cup as I walk in.

I take in the room as a whole noticing straight away the barista who was struggling with the machine, the room which is normally busy is oddly quiet and the typical radio Mrs Lin normally plays is off placed at the back of the bar.

They should have done their research.

Nat is first to stand to greet me with a smile, she was dressed in a red top and dark blue jeans while Clint was eating half a muffin still sitting down in a green jacket, a checkered shirt and a black top underneath.

What in the style is that?

"Thanks for coming" Nat says and she seems genuine as we take our seats at a window but she was an assassin and did this for a living so I couldn't trust her so easily.

Clint only now realized I was here and stood up letting crumbs fall down him all over the floor "when did you get here?" he asks making Nat roll her eyes.

"Let me get you something to eat or drink?" he asks and I shake my head "I don't plan on staying for long" I say which has him frowning and sitting back in his seat.

"I got the scope Bunny when you are finished can you get me a slice of that carrot cake it is looking good" Wade says through the earpiece to me "oh me too and I am in place" Matthew also says into my earpiece.

"No troubles we won't take up to much of your time" Nat confidently smiles but there is something behind her eyes.

A few seconds go in silence as I wait for them to start but I decide to speak first seeing them look at each other "so you wanted to meet?" I ask ending the awkward silence which I am sure is them somehow communicating with each other or maybe with Fury or the woman pretending to work here behind the counter.

"You know you were smart tricking us with the Taxi trick" she says to start the conversation.

Once I told Wade in the taxi he had given me an address in Queens to a Deli where a man named Delmar made some great sandwiches. He also helped me sneak out the back and meet Wade where we traveled back to Brooklyn hiding from cameras and paid the taxi to make five different stops out of random addresses in Queens.

"Yup you sent the Avengers on a little trip around Queens, that was fun but you're not staying in Queens right now are you?" he asks "even though you asked to meet us at this cafe in Queens you want us to think you are staying here don't you?" Clint adds picking up his coffee.

"You suspicious of me Hawkeye?" I ask amused "shouldn't I be the one concerned considering how the most popular cafe in Queens is empty with many more security cameras than normal? As well as the hostess behind the bar is clearly an undercover agent"

But instead of agreeing he just grins taking a sip of his coffee before fighting back a grimace "bad coffee?" I ask seeing his distaste for it.

"Tends to happen when you get agents in using that use the machines wrong" I say which has him frown "how did you-"

"Well her apron is on backward and she has no clue her way around the shop not let alone she accidentally moved her hair back a minute ago showing her earpiece" I say giving a smile to the woman behind the counter while giving a small wave "she wouldn't last long on the field"

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