Author Message

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Hi guys! 

I am very sorry but I wanted to let you guys know I won't be updating for a while.

I will be having a couple of weeks away from writing my mental health hasn't been the best. I haven't been enjoying writing this book like I did my other and I feel like it really has been showing in my writing. I keep comparing it to my last book and putting pressure on myself.

I had originally wanted to stop writing this book after chapter 14 but kept forcing myself to keep going.

I think a couple of weeks away will help refresh my mind and come back to it but if not ill come back anyway as I always want to complete my stories. 

Promise I will make sure to finish this story but for now, it will be on hold for a couple of weeks.

I am so grateful to all of you who have been reading, voting and commenting you have all kept me motivated through all of this so thank you!

Sorry again hopefully will be back soon:) 

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