Chapter 43- Explanation Part 2

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: This symbol will mean the start and end of flashbacks.

'Writing like this': will mean he is in control of her mind

Wow this chapter has such much going on I can't believe how much I have written in one sitting.

 I haven't edited so I can't imagine how many mistakes will be in this but hopefully, this all makes sense.


I glare as my body tries forcing me to pick up the spoon but I fight against it making him sigh "look" he says getting his own spoon and eating out of my bowl a couple of times before discarding his spoon back in his own.

"Now eat" he says and my body finally gives in eating the cereal "I would never drug you" he says making me scoff "but you would control me or knock me out through mind control" I sneer.

"I let you fall asleep through mind control being drugged is far more dangerous but I will never do anything that could seriously harm you" he says and I glare "no but you will control me and force my own body against me" 

"Only for your own good my love, you will see with time everything I do is for you"

I ignore him after that concentrating on the photos surrounding us a sickness in my stomach as I look at the photos of me and him as kids. 

I looked so happy.

He followed my eyes then smiles getting off the bed grabbing a picture of us "we were best friends" he says handing me it and I hesitantly take it.

His arms were around my shoulders doing the bunny ears above my head as I had my arms wrapped around his waist "how old was I here?" I ask seeing my wide smile "we were 9 it was my birthday you promised you would come back for the party even if you wouldn't remember me" 

"I knew I was going to lose my memory?" I ask in surprise and he nods a distance far look in his eyes as he smiled.

"I wasn't supposed to tell you but I kept all of your memories here close to the front of your mind and every time we meet I made you relive all of it so you would remember me. We both kept it a secret from the adults even though I think they all secretly knew anyways especially Brock"

At the mention of Brock I freeze up again the same fear feeling crawling back "hey it is okay Brock won't hurt you.. you were both once really close you looked up to him like a brother" 

I take another bite of cereal at this almost laughing at how ridiculous that sounded. 

I remember how he treated me, how he was with Soldat and how he killed my mum.

Brother my ass-

"Soon to be your brother in law" Noah says making me shiver and freeze up remembering my nightmare.

"You were serious? A-about the wedding stuff?" I ask "of course we have been engaged since we were 8. I didn't propose thought until we were 11 you just can't remember " he says and my eyes widen panic once again returning.

"I don't want to get married! I won't ever get married to you" I say beginning to freak out "calm down or I will force you to freeze and keep you that way" he says and I stop not wanting to lose control of my body again.

He then takes the empty bowl away "good girl we should get some fresh air" he says making my stomach flutter even though I try to fight it.

Every time he touches me those same butterflies erupt making me feel even sicker with myself.

It's the stupid key forcing my body to think he is one of my mates.

"Before we go out I am going to lay down some rules" he says and I look up to him "rules?"

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