Chapter 48- The Last Chapter.

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated this story.

I wrote this during a very bad mental health stage in my life which is why this had a lot more sad things like attempted suicide, dark thoughts etc.

I needed a little break to get myself back together but then I forgot most things.

I needed to re-read the book to remember everything but by that point, it would bring back the same feelings making me go back into a loop.

So I'm going to write based on what I can remember so I'm sorry if some things don't make sense etc but I don't wanna leave this story unfinished as my goal is to finish all the stories I have already published by the end of the year. 

I'm sorry that it may be a quick ending in this book, but I hope you all get to enjoy it anyway.

Again sorry for taking so long.

Warnings: Need editing badly!


I look around confused as everyone stands up in excitement to see the beautiful lady standing in the entryway "mother!" Loki shouts running to her she opens her arms wide and he hugs her "what in the Odin are you doing here?" he asks both happiness and worry as both flash across his face as he pulls back looking her over just to make sure she is okay before pulling her in for another hug.

"I heard one of my children had been in trouble" she says looking past him to me her smile didn't falter as she looks over me in concern making me stare in confusion  "I am so happy you are finally home my dear" she says and I stare awkwardly not knowing what to say.

"You won't remember me right now but that's okay I am here to try and fix that" she says as Loki lets her go she walks to Thor who meets her first lifting her hand and pecking it "mother what a surprise and pleasure to see you" he says and she greets him with the same excitement wrapping her arms around him.

I was almost in awe of her radiance but a meow pulls me out of it as the kitten jumps off my lap towards the lady purring around the bottom of her dress  "I was always jealous of the creatures of Midgard" she says bending down and picking up the kitten who instantly purrs rubbing itself against her face making her laugh "oh what a delightful creature you are indeed!"

"Wait you can get her memories back?" Bucky asks.

I could hear the pleading of hope in his voice as he pulls the conversation back to that.

The lady nods handing the kitten to Thor who gets hissed at before the kitten jumps down and runs off "may I?" the lady asks coming up to me offering her hand.

I take a step back mistrusting and she immediately stops but stills holds out her hand like she was approaching a afraid kitten "Amelia it's okay" Tony says with a soft voice and the rest of them nod so I take a deep breath before holding out my hand.

 The woman steps forward once again and takes my hand gently rubbing her thumb over the back of it "hello dear you won't remember me but I am Frigga queen of Asgard. Lokis and Thor's mother" she says looking at my wrapped wrist "may I?" she asks and I slowly nod watching as her hand lights up a light blue colour. She gently moves the power over my wrist my eyes widen in surprise as I feel the skin on my wrist begin to tingle.

It was painful at first until it wasn't and I could move it easily.

I unwrapped the bandage to see the cut completely gone.

"Our mother has healing powers" Thor explains to me "so you might be able to bring my memories back?" I ask and she nods "yes but not without causing you much pain" she explains sadly "the brain is tricky first you will need to let us in, in order to undo whatever magic he has hidden in there. He may have hidden bits in parts of your brain that I can't access without harming you or-"

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