Chapter 5- Return Of The Others

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Warnings: Swearing, not edited and pop tarts!

Hey guys thank for all the voting and comment really help my motivation. I would be writing more if my laptop wasn't being difficult so I am sorry for the slow updates.

"Thor I really just want to get to bed" I mumble as he stops on the kitchen floor "I apologize lady Amelia but you have not tried Midgard's best creation! It should be a law here that all Midgardians need to try it! I am not asking you to eat here but we shall be taking the toaster to your room with the pop tarts! Now please come and hold the boxes there are so many flavours to try" he says unplugging the toaster then opening a cupboard.

"You must know in Asgard only royals can eat these and by that I mean only I can have them not even Loki" he says making me laugh "You really love them huh?" I ask and he nods pulling out at least 30 odd different boxes "I will make sure my sister in law is educated if it is the last thing I do for the 9 realms" 

"I know Wa-" I stop biting my gum as I realise I almost slipped up "no worry sister in law any of your secrets are safe with me even from the others and since you are mates with my brother this means we are destined to be best friends!" he says and I smile grabbing 12 of the boxes "you will have your work cut out for you" I mumble since I am not one to open myself to others. 

"Good nothing worth getting is good without a good fight  and I love to fight now let's return to your room to start the poptart tasting!" 


The others P.O.V

"Tony" Steve says concerned as Tony stands "I need to be alone for now" Tony says walking out of the room and Peter stands to follow "I will go I should be able to distract him in the lab" Bruce says standing and everyone nods thanks "I haven't seen him like that in a long time" Fury says "not seen the divorce" Peter adds making the room nod in worry. 

"We will keep an eye on him" Steve says everyone else agreeing "He has been looking forward to meeting her he always going on about how he wished for you guys to be complete then finding out he is one of the reasons she hid from you guys had to hit him hard but he wouldn't go back to his old ways so I wouldn't worry" Clint says.

"He is right Tony isn't that man anymore so I am sure he will be fine" Fury says trying to calm Tonys mates. 

"Are you okay Buck?" Sam asks, the room now looking towards Bucky who just nods obviously deep in thought.

"Those nightmares can finally stop Bucky she is finally here with us safe finally where she belongs" Steve says grabbing his hand "what are we going to do about Pietro? He is the most hot-headed out of all of us it's going to be hard to get him to keep his distance. What if she doesn't forgive either of the twins even after they explain?" Peter asks worriedly.

"You forget about Loki who may have even blown his choices after the other night at the club" Clint says "damn I forgot about that" Sam adds.

"Language" Steve says which has the room rolling their eyes "I swore earlier but you really saying that on the word 'damn?'" Sam snickers as Fury phone begins to ring "for now the meeting is over and I need to get back home to Phil" he says standing. 

"Is Maria still on that mission?" Sam asks and Fury nods "I don't know how you and Phil don't worry about her being pregnant and all" Steve says.

"This isn't the 40s cap pregnant woman can work not all want to be housewives" Fury says picking up the pile of paperwork "working is a bit different from missions" Steve shoots back which Fury roll his eyes mumbling something before saying goodbye and leaving. 

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