Chapter 23- Get Help

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The second chapter today because I went too long without updating!

Thank you to everyone reading, commenting and voting!

No warnings needed!


"We want her" the man in the masks sneers and Riley's hand squeezes my hand tighter "she does not belong to you" John snaps his hand on his gun as Riley was already aimed at someone in the group ready for a fight to break out but we all knew there was too many of them. 

"She belongs to him now pass her over we don't want a fight" the man says "your not touching our daughter!" John growls and the man sighs "she is not your daughter she is his! If you do not pass then we have no choice but to sacrifice you for the better cause!" 

"The better cause?! Your all murderers!" Riley snaps unlocking her gun but all the other guns begin going off Riley gets hit instantly falling letting go of my hand "Riley!" I cry as someone comes over to us to get to her but I attack them hitting them to the floor as I move to protect Riley leaning over her to protect her body as she cried in pain underneath as the men point their guns at me.

"You cant shoot her just remove her!" someone calls as the men with guns walk towards me "get away from my family!" I hear John scream as more gunshots go off I see him falling and my mouth drops "John?" I ask "John!" I ask again not seeing any movement from him "Riley?" I ask trying to move her but she doesn't stir this time her cries are now quiet. 

"I am sorry we had to do that child you should not have seen that. Our cause isn't to create death but-"

"You killed them!" I snap a wave of anger boiling in me I haven't felt in years not since that day not since seeing my real father die "why did you kill them!? They were good people!" I cry refusing to move away from Riley's body "her power is taking over! I thought boss said it wouldn't be activated yet!"  

"We need to run!" I hear them panic trying to get away from me but I won't let them go that easily.

"You killed them!" I scream again feeling my power take over as my hatred and pain shoots out of me making me hear the men around us scream-'

I sit up breathing heavily as I look around remembering where I was.

They were after me...

Did they kill them.... to get to me?

The Andersons were protecting me then why did I not remember it? Why was this gone until now? The same with my Wade and mum fighting.. The more I try to think about it the more of a headache I get like something was blocking me from remembering. 

I look at the clock groaning when I see it was 3 am.

That is what I get for going to bed stupid early.

I am grateful though that Nat and Wanda waited for me to fall asleep before leaving me but now waking up alone felt lonely especially after that nightmare "Jarvis is anyone awake?" I ask "yes miss Peter is still awake and Bucky is downstairs in the kitchen" 

'Peter still hasn't left the spare room' the words repeat in my head. 

"Has Peter left the spare room since yesterday?" I ask "no miss he has refused food or any company even from Bucky tonight" Jarvis says and I frown getting up grabbing a blanket since it was a bit cold then leave my room walking to the elevator putting a little plan in motion. 

"Kitchen please Jarvis"

"Yes miss"

As the doors open I see Bucky leaning over the counter head in hands "Soldat?" I ask and he sits up instantly looking back and I pause seeing his tired red eyes "doll"  he says and I frown seeing he had been crying "I brought you a blanket" I offer walking over to him and he turns around on the stall still sitting as I place it around him watching me intently as I do.

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