Chapter Four: Shapeshifter

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Right. So, right now I'm being dragged down the stairs. Against my will.

"But I want to sleep!" I whine, "But there's food!" Justice mimics me.
I stop struggling against their grips. "What." I gasp.
"Food..." Lily taunts.
I rip my arms away from their hands, before bolting down the stairs.
I dodge the railing from the staircase, running out of the common room. "Hailee!" Sirius' voice yells.
"I'm getting food!" I yell back, stopping.
The others run up behind me.
"Hailee! We know you love food, but stop being so damn enthusiastic about eating!" Lily exclaims, puffing.

"Lemme think about it....... hmmmmmmm NO." I sing, running off again.
But then I see something, a man at the end of the hall, staring straight at me.
He raises his wand.

"Sectumsempra!" He yells.
"!Petrificus Totalus!" I yell at the same time, the boy falls hard to the floor.
"Karma sucks, doesn't it, Malfoy." I hiss.
Am... am I remembering things?

Though suddenly I feel wetness on my chest.
Blood seeps through, and I just stare.
"Episkey maxima." I mumble, the blood clears away.
I slump down against a wall, my good mood gone completely.
"I wish I could just be free and fly." I heave a sigh.

Then, the world shrinks.
I start to freak out from confusion. I look to where my wand was meant to be, to see a white wing.
Did... I transform?
I start bouncing around excitedly, and I think of being a cat.
There's a soft 'pop!' and my wings were paws.
I smirk... which probably looked strange as a cat. I run to the Great Hall, walking in.
A little girl from Ravenclaw squeals, and points at me.
My tail swishs, as I stalk over to where my stressed looking friends sat.
I jump up onto Lily's lap. I look up at her cutely. "Awwww. She's so cute!" She giggles, patting my head.
I hiss, nipping at her hand.
"Ow! Not so cute!" Lily pouts.
I jump away, running up to the Teachers table to Dumbledore.
I stare straight at him. "Ah. Well hello, little kitty. Are you lost?" His eyes twinkle mischievously.
My head cocks to the side confusingly.
Slowly, I walk over. I look at him, before turning into a dove.
I fly up, sitting on his head.
Laughter bursts through the hall. "Ah, put on a show." Dumbledore smiles.
Oh um.

I fly away to the front before another 'Pop'
And I'm now a peacock.
This shows that I'm a girl.

Tame Lioness
Tame wolf
Fox etc. etc...

Until I look down as a antelope.
I turn into a deer.
The burning sensation shoots through my bones, the pain in my feet/hoofs disappear.

Then, I stood there as a doe. My head lifts, and I watch everyone closely.
A round of applause goes through.
I then go back to being a cat.
"This girl, my dear pupils.... is Thalia Sara Pace. A young girl by the age of 14, from the ministry." Dumbledore looks at me expectantly.
I think of girl with short black hair, wearing a white leather cloak with a blue and green tie, a white tee and black skinny jeans with gothic black boots, which had rounded toes and fat heels.
And, 'Pop'
In the cats place stood a girl.
"Hello, Thalia." Dumbledore chuckles.
"Hi." I wave. My eyes widen, as I hear my voice.
I was Italian.
That explains my peachy pale skin...
Oh that was racist.
My voice was high, and my English wasn't that good. (A/N, she sounds like Marzia/CutiepieMarzia)
"What brings you here, Miss. Pace? Did your school in Italy give you permission?" McGonagall asks.
"I'm here because of the Triwizard tournament...." I look up at the teachers. "Why isn't the rest of your school here?"
"Because the whole school is taking their O.W.L's this year on the Triwizard cup..." I say shyly. This is really awkward....
"Ah, and what is your schools name again?" Said Dumbledore curiously.
"Il Cavaliere Cittadella di Magia.." I say, remembering the Italian my mum taught me.
"What?" A Slytherin sneers.
"It means The Knight's Citadel of Magic, Black!" A Ravenclaw girl says like it's obvious.
"Oh shut up, Louis!" 'Black' scowls.
"Uh.... anyways. I'm just gonna.... go now...." I awkwardly shuffle away. "Miss. Pace?" Dumbledore calls. "Hello?"
"I hope you enjoy your stay."
I nod running out the hall, but hearing these words from boys in different houses.
"Damn she's cute."
"Wonder if she's free?"
"Do you think she'll go to Hogsmeade with me?" Etc

But the last I heard struck my heart.
"She's not as pretty as Andromeda."
A boy mumbled that, although I didn't know who.
I lean against a wall, before turning back into myself.
"Ugh.." I groan, holding my head. "Shapeshifting is soooo much work...."
I walk in to get food, and people stare at my tired figure. "What? Never seen a girl before? There's at least 1,000 here, go look at them." I mutter, walking to my seat with my friends. "Where were you?" Olive hisses, slamming her book shut.

"Dealing with Malfoy." I mutter, stabbing my bacon with my fork.
"He tried to kill me again." I sigh.

I close my eyes, biting my lip as I lay on my bed.

"Starry!" Lily yells lazily from across the room.
"What?" I yell back.
"Can you tell Justice to shut up?" Lily groans.
"Justice Shut up." I put my hand on my eyes.
"You guys are the ones yelling!" Justice cries exasperated.
"JUSTICE YOU JUST YELLED." Lily groans again, throwing a pillow at her.

The two start bickering, until Olive and I explode with Frustration. "SHUT UO THE BOTH OF YOU!"
Lily and Justice stop.
"Good? good." I sigh, curling up.

And yes, to answer your question, that is usually how the lazy four girls talk to each other.



Hope you enjoyed!

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I'm Gryffindor, although I used to be a Slytherin. Maybe I changed since I'm growing up? :3

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