Chapter Six: Anything Could Happen

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"Weeeeeeeeee....." Lily giggles as she roles across the dorm floor.
"Okay girls! time for the role!" Olive calls out.
First years and the other girls hesitantly walk in.
I was hiding behind my curtains under blankets. I was hugging my pillow tightly.
"Ugh, the idiot is still sleeping?" Freya's voice says squeakily.
"Shut up Puckle." Justice hisses.
"Yes I'm here."
"Im alive."
"Well duh."
"Myself... check..."
"It's Belle, and yes."
"I'm here!"

"Hailee?" Olive asks.
"Asleep." I yell, throwing a pillow at her.
"Ah! Oh god, you savage child." Olive mumbles.
"C'mon, Hails! Hogsmeade!" Lily squeals, as the others leave.
"Ah, yes, well you see, Puckle has taken my partner to Hogsmeade if you haven't noticed. So, I shall be sleeping in everyone's absence. Goodnight." I go back to sleep, hearing my friends sigh as they leave.


Lily, Justice and I walk downstairs. Hailee is quite angry these days, and more sarcastic.

We lean against the wall, waiting.
"Olive! sorry. Sirius was mucking around..." Remus blushes. Aw, cutie. "It's fine Remus. Hailee says she's gonna sleep all day, and we don't doubt it. She's also just containing the urge to slap and beat up Miss. Fake-face-Freya." I answer. Remus cracks a smile. "oh.... she's also a elemental." I whisper.
Then our dear friend walks down stairs looking murderous.
"I'm, going to kill that plastic doll." She growls.
I hide slightly behind Remus. "She's also a double animagi...." I whisper.
"Meaning she has two animagus..."
Remus nods. Freya walks down.
Hailee smirks. "well hello Fake-Face-Freya. How's the plastic holding up?" Hailee says innocently.
"Oh you so wish you looked like me Hailee." Freya flips her hair cockily. "Nah. Fake ain't my style. Banged Glasses yet? Wouldn't be surprised." I gasp. "Starry!" Lily scolds. "Shut it." Hailee glares, her eyes red. "Hailee, please!" Justice begs.
Sirius and Peter come down at this stage.
Freya took this as her chance. "Sirius! Peter! she hurt me!" Freya cries. Sirius snorts. "Not my problem." Peter just rolls his eyes.
Freya frowns. "Oh, do you need some I've for that burn, Frey?" Hailee pouts. Hailee isn't a bully, but she will hurt the people who deserve it. "Shut up!" Freya shrieks.
James comes down. "Freya, what's wrong?" He gasps. "She hurt my feelings James!" Freya cries. Hailee shrugs. "Oh well."
James glares. "Your a horrible person, you know that? How you even have three friends, or more is beyond me. Go die, Fatso."
Hailee just stares.
"And..... for years I thought you had a good side. I agree, I have no idea why these three are my friends. Guess what.... I'll do exactly the thing you suggested. Bye guys." Hailee doesn't even cry as she calmly walks out.
James looks horrified. "There's nothing you can say to fix this, James. You don't know the first thing about her." Justice glares.
I just walk out with Remus.
The six of us walk in silence.

That silence was broken by a scream from Lily. She was pointing at something.
A girl was laying on the ground, petrified and bleeding.
"It's Hailee!" Justice runs over.
After checking for a pulse, or breathing or heartbeat...
Justice looks at us with glassy eyes. "She's dead." She starts crying. What? 

Sirius picks up her limp body, running off.

A trail of blood was appearing behind us, as we break into the Hospital Wing. "Poppy!" I scream. She walks out. "Wha- Oh my dear, put her here!" Poppy grabs many medical things, and ushers us out.


       I feel myself slipping away. I did this. I just... Put myself to sleep. Its a incantation, only Dumbledore can take it off. This is all my fault.

"Hails?" A familiar voice asks. I turn to see my father, staring at me in shock. "D-Da?" I gasp, running to him. "Hails!" He smiles, wrapping his strong arms around me. "H-How?"

"Your in the inbetween." Da frowns. "How.. are you dead?" He whispers. "I don't know.... I put a sleeping incantation on myself, then a curse... Sectumsempra." I look down. "Why?" Da cups my face. "Someone wanted me to die... so I fulfilled their dreams." I sigh, remembering James' words. He didn't mean them... "Is that the person?" Da asks, pointing at a screen. I turn to see James crying over my sleeping/dead body. I reach out, but my hand just touches the screen. "That's him.." I close my eyes. James stands, punching the wall, and crying out, leaning against it. "I need to see him.... Can I go?" I turn my Da. "You want to see the person who hurt you?" Da frowns. "I love him, Da... I need to." I beg. Da sighs, and flicks his wrist. I disappear from the perfect inbetween. I appear in the Hospital Wing. James still punching the wall, so much that his hand was bleeding and bruised. "James..." I whisper. James kisses my forehead, mumbling something. "I'm sorry." 

I sit watching my sleeping self, I was washed up and was wearing something that wasn't my deer  sweater, or green jeans. A hospital dress... ew... 

But what really surprised was Fake-Face-Freya. She walks up to me, tears going down her cheeks. "Look, I know you hate me... And I accept the fact that you have every right to be." 

Damn right I hate you.

"But..... I'm jealous of you. Your perfect in every single way... you have no flaws. I'm.. ugly. I hide my face under make-up because I thought people would actually like me. Your older me... I look up to you. Your my role model, and I'm so sorry taking James from you. I was just trying to have someone be jealous of me..."  Freya grabs a cloth, wiping away all the make-up off of her face. "I'll change for you. I promise. I'm sorry that I caused all this. But please, wake up. The others, they need you. Your family needs you. James, he needs you." Freya starts to go. "And... Your the best singer I have ever heard. Sleep well." Freya walks out. I frown. She was actually nice. I walk up to myself. "Listen here, me. You better open your eyes. If you don't, I'll slap you." I cross my arms.

I appear back in the inbetween. "I want to live... I'm going to wake up." I close my eyes, concentrating so hard that I felt my face go deep red. Instead of coming back to life, I fart.

"Whoops..." I blush more. "Woah there tiger. You have to wait for Dumbledore to wake you up." Da laughs.

"Could've told me that..." I mutter.



Oh well.

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