Chapter Nine: Revenge

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I was allowed out a few days after I woke up. As soon as I stepped out, people looked at me. My hair blows around me, as I walk down the corridor. My face was pale, still tear stained. I cried myself to sleep, just because I missed my Da.

My expression was bored and lifeless, though my walk was fast. No one spoke. "I know exactly where this leads." I mutter. I see my friends huddled together sadly. I look at them, but kept walking. "Hailee?"

I turn around, before I morph into a dove, flying off.

I ain't taking their sympathy... I'm an independent woman.

I sit on a tree, morphing back into myself. I leaning against the trunk, one leg propped up to my chest,the other hanging off the branch. I stare off into the distance. "Hailee?" A little voice asks. I look down to see Kim. "Hey." I nod, looking back at the lake. "Your awake.. You've been out for five months, you know." Kim points out. "Yeah, I noticed." I mumble, remembering my Da again. "Are you oka-"

"No. I'm not okay! Go away, Kimberley!" I snap, putting my head in my heads. "Okay, sorry." She mutters, and walks off.

I lean my head back, my lower lip wobbling, as I close my eyes. "Hailee?" Someone else asks. "Leave me alone!" I shout. Someone pulls me off the branch, and hugs me against their chest. It's Sirius. "Tell us what's wrong. We haven't spoken to you in five months.." Remus' voice says softly. I just cry. "I saw him, Remus. I saw my Da." I hang on to Sirius' shirt. "Hailee, We are here, for you. Always." Sirius whispers, hugging me tighter, as another pair of arms go around me.
"Where is James?" I ask, looking up at Remus, he was hugging me as well as Sirius.
"Being depressed. Its gross, he's turning into Snivellus-" I cut Sirius off. "Severus!" I gasp, ripping out of the boys grips.
I run down the hill, to the castle.
I find Severus with Regulus and Malfoy.
"Severus!" I yell at him.
"What?" He glares. "Magic?" I squeak.
His gaze softens, as he see's me. "Hailee? your awake!" He grins, which was rare. He hugs me softly. "Ew, Severus. You got idiot cooties now." Regulus backs away. "I know, I'm special. I gotta go, I'll talk to you soon Sev." I walk off, in search of James. "La la la la..." I sing softly, looking around.
"Ugh." A girl scoffs. I stop in mid step. I turn to see Freya with other girls. "Well, hello Miss. 'Im sorry I'm just jealous of you.'!" I smirk. Freya's eyes widen.
"Y-you heard that?"
"Of course. Don't worry, I just watched you cry. No biggie." I shrug. Freya sends me a small smile, before walking away with her friends. I walk on, to see James with a girl trying to get close to him. He pushes her away, but she continues trying to get close. No one else was around, so I morph into a patronus. It was a dove, like my mother's. I appear In front of the two, my aura lighting up the dark corridor. James looks at me, he looked horrible. "James.." I whisper to him. James stands, frowning. "James." my figure fizzes a little, showing a spirit version of my face. Oops, that wasn't meant to happen..

James follows me, as I fly down the bridge. The girl squeals, running after.

I fly off quickly, morphing into a lioness. Apparently, I like being a patronus. I stalk out from behind the tall fat rocks. James looks at me in wonder, while the girl runs away in fear. "James."

"What....."He mumbles, a confused frown washed over his face. "James."

"Who's saying that?" He looks around. I walk up to him, slowly going back to a human. He was turned facing the bridge. I walk behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder softly. "James.." I whisper in his ear. "Hailee?" He whispers back, turning around. His eyes go glassy, when he see's me. "Hailee!" He chokes out, tears streaming down his cheeks. I put my hands on his face, wiping the tears away. "Shhh, I'm alive. I'm Alive."

"I hurt you.. I'm sorry. I love you-" He freezes. I smiles. "It's okay, You didn't mean it. I love you too, James." I hug him, kissing his forehead. I mean't it in a brotherly, just so It wasn't awkward. "Get over it, the schools are coming tonight." I snort. A smile was on his now glowing face. "Okay, By the way, according to Dumbledore, Thalia was sent back to Italy, because Il Cavaliere chickened out." James smiles. "Okay." I nod. Good cover story, Dumbledore. I pull away from the hug, walking with James to the Great Hall, seeing as it was 6:30.

Whispers spread around me, As James takes my hand.

I look down, pushing the doors to the Great Hall open. I sit down next to Sirius, with James to my left.

"Hey." I whisper. Sirius grins. "You seem happier, and James isn't so.... Depressed." He points out. "Yeah." I let go of James' hand, As Dumbledore steps up to his pedestal. "Welcome everyone! Quiet down, please. First off, I'd like to say a few words. They are: Unicorn Urine, Lemon Sherbet and Licorice Snaps. Anywho, I'd like to greet Hailee Andromeda, as she is alive and well. Hello, Hailee, are you well?" Dumbledore, and everyone, looks at me. "Well, no. I'm Hailee, Not Well. But, I feel fine." I shrug. Dumbledore chuckles. "That's good then. Now, I would like to welcome, two schools!" The doors burst open as girls in Blue prance in.

"Oh great. Veela's.." I scowl. They skip across annoyingly slow. They stop, sighing as butterflies fly out of their armpits. "What the hell?" My face was crunched up in disgust. "Woah." Sirius gapes. "Sirius!" I snap, elbowing him. James stares at them. That hurts..

A veela girl smirks at me, as she winks at James. I stand up, walking out.

"Miss. Andromeda-"
"Oh can it, Minnie!!" I shout, running out the doors angrily. I fast walk past a group of buff men. I start running, to the courtyard. I kick a tree. Wait.

I stop kicking the tree, staring at it. "Maybe..." I smirk.
I quickly turn into a cat, running to the Great Hall.
My padded paws hit the ground softly, as I wail/meow loudly.
I run up to Minnie, staring at her. She seems to understand, as she sighs, standing up to follow me.
I keep meowing happily, before stopping and staring at Justice.
She grins, also following me.
I bounce out of the doors, before popping back into my fabulous body.
"Okay! Minnie, may I have your permission to prank James with Justice?"
Minnie just smiles. "If you must."
"Wow. That was easy." Justice snorts. "I was just thinking to involve the Beauxbaton chicks...." I add.
Minnie sighs, nods, and walks back to eat. "You My friend, are going to skip in wearing weird clothes, and going to sing songs about James as a baby." I giggle deviously.
Justice starts cracking up laughing.
I make her appearance change to a little girl. I go back to being a cat.
She picks me up in her arms, skipping into the Great Hall. I meow, jumping off of Justice and transforming into a little white puppy.
Dumbledore sighs greatly.
He used to walk around naked!
He probably still does!" Justice sings loudly.
"Heeee wore nappies till he was 6,
And fell down the slide,
He even walked outside without shorts on!

Justice continued. The hall was laughing.
James was bright red, and I just walked off into the trophy room, went back as a human, and walked out.
I got stares from everyone as the laughter slowly dies. Justice stops singing.
"I hope you know now that hurting me twice isn't smart. Oh, and James? This is only the start of my revenge." I smirk. I flick my wrist, causing mud to fall on Beauxbatons.
"Lalalalalalala." I sing, skipping out.

There's nothing I do better than Revenge.

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