Captain Rex posted: Mwahahahahaaa!
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Anakin Skywalker: Um, Rex? Are you okay?
Captain Rex: Yeah, I was gonna add a picture and tag Commander Ponds, but I've no idea how to use this Spacebook thing.
Anakin Skywalker: Oh, just noticed how it's your first post! Heyy you're missing out all the fun!!
Captain Rex: I read the newsfeed at times, but...
Ahsoka Tano: I'll teach you how to use Spacebook.
Lux Bonteri: BUT our picnic Ahsoka...
Ahsoka Tano: Oh yeah...
Anakin Skywalker: WHAT PICNIC? Ahsoka, spill it.
Anakin Skywalker: Dammit she went offline.
Captain Rex: How can you tell she did? With the Force?
Anakin Skywalker: Geez Rex, you really don't know this website do you? I'll teach you myself.
Captain Rex: Thank you general!!
Count Dooku posted: Okay Rex, first things first. This is how to hack an account.
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Captain Rex: ???
Count Dooku: Chill, it's Anakin. We'll use Dooku's account for practice. It'll be great >:D
Captain Rex: Alright then.
Count Dooku: Okay, I'll teach you how to upload a pic. Go to the corner and click that square icon. Like this:
Count Dooku has added a picture to the album "Fabulous".
General Grievous: Umm Dooku? Why did you share that pic of a fluffy pink tauntaun?
Count Dooku: Whoosh whoosh Grievous, you're irretupting our practice session. Okay Rex, now go ahead and try it yourself.
Captain Rex has added a picture to the album "Troops".
Count Dooku: Great job! Lol, is that Obi-Wan eating that roasted Hutt? Gross! What a priceless pic, I'll go ahead and share it!!! (press the "share" button by the bottom right corner, pretty simple)
Anakin Skywalker shared a picture from Captain Rex's album "Troops".
355,580 like this.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: WHO TOOK THAT PICTURE?!?!?!
Captain Rex: Commander Cody, sir!
Obi-Wan Kenobi: DAMMIT CODY!!!
Commander Cody: Heheheeee! #NoRegrets
Captain Rex: Hashtagging? Is that a thing?
Commander Cody: Rex, y u no hipster yet?
Anakin Skywalker: Okay Rex, now I'll teach you how to humiliate Ventress online.
Captain Rex: Alright!
_________________________Anakin Skywalker left a message on Asajj Ventress' wall: HEY BALDIE!!!
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Commander Cody: Sir, try harder.
Anakin Skywalker: Fine. Why do witches wear name tags? So they'd know which witch is which!
Ahsoka Tano: GIVE THIS A ROUND OF APPLAUSE!!! #BaldWitchVentress
Asajj Ventress: Get off my wall, Jedi.
Anakin Skywalker: NEVER! When do witches cook their victims? On Fry Day!
Asajj Ventress: Get lost Skywalker.
Anakin Skywalker: What do you call a witch who lives on Tatooine? A sand-witch!
Ahsoka Tano: OH FORCE XD
Asajj Ventress: That's enough!!! I'm blocking you all!!!
Captain Rex: How do you call two nightsisters sharing a room? Broom-mates. Cuz they're witches and witches fly on brooms?
Anakin Skywalker: Learning fast! xD
____________________Captain Rex updated his status: Heading for the prison block, taking the afternoon shift.
5 like this.
Anakin Skywalker: I'm proud. Rex, you know how to use Spacebook now!!!
Captain Rex: Thank u sir.
Anakin Skywalker: You even used "u"! Aww my hipster captain!!!
Obi-Wan Kenobi: You ruined him, Anakin.
Anakin Skywalker: No. He's perfect now.
Echo: Whopeeee!
Captain Rex: At least I'll be entertained while I watch over Nute Gunray.
Nute Gunray: Suckers, I have my device as well!!
Captain Rex: In prison? Oh no, not under my supervision.
Captain Rex: iHolopad 6? Who gave that to the scum?!
Commander Fox: Not me. Hey Reeeex great to see ya on the web at last! And thanks for accepting the afternoon shift!
Captain Rex: Anytime. Now... What's Flappy Bird? Skywalker's highscore is 5732...
Obi-Wan Kenobi: OH NOOO HE'S ADDICTED. Don't try it Rex.
Captain Rex: Sounds like an order I should obey.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: You'll be thankful.
_______________________Poggle the Lesser posted: Just blasted out of prison! By suckers!
43 like this.
Captain Rex: You shouldnt've shared that online. I know how to use this site now.
Poggle the Lesser: Crap.
_______________________Captain Rex updated his status: Geonosian creep back in the cell. ---feeling successful.
678 like this.
Commander Fox: Great work, prison clone! Thanks for your time today!
Captain Rex: Anytime, brother. I even had time to download Hay Day.
((Yey ya'll!! Thanks for reading and all your super funny comments in the previous chapters! Love ya!))
Spacebook (Star Wars humour)
SonstigesEveryone joins Spacebook! Go stalk your friends and see how many mutual enemies you have!