16. The Spacebook Awakens

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Han Solo posted: Has anyone seen Luke lately? He's not responding to my messages.

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Leia Solo: Here goes nothing. The last time we met he was talking about some cave system on Tatooine, nothing out of the regulary.

Chewbacca: Arghghghh.

Han Solo: That's weird.

Rey: Who are we talking about?

Wedge Antilles: Who are you?

Rey: I'm no one.

Wedge Antilles: Your profile says you're a scavenger from Jakku. HA! Busted.

Rey: Ugh, people leak so much. At least I'm clearly not a Jedi, right?

Han Solo: I don't know, Luke would know that. But apparently, he's NOWHERE TO BE FOUND.

Finn: Wasn't he there when we took that group photo in Lucasfilm Headquaters, Coruscant?

JJ Abrahams: That was a MOVIE POSTER, idiots.

Finn: A what?

JJ Abrahams: Ugh nothing bye. PS. join the Force For Change!!!

Rey: What's going on I'm lost.

Han Solo: Finn, Luke wasn't on the group photo, that was Kylo Ren.

Finn: Ugh. What if Ren's secretly Luke?

Han Solo: Nope. Luke had done everything to destroy the Dark Side and bring his father back to the light, he'd never join the Sith!

Rey: Woah, that's a lot to take in. We only heard stories about what happened.

Han Solo: It's true. All of it. The Dark Side. The Jedi. They're real.

Anakin Skywalker: Um, sorry to butt in, but Han ol' man, you could've said that with less periods, I mean, really. Just say: All of it is true, the Dark Side, the Jedi, they're all real!

Han Solo: Grammar Nazi.

Anakin Skywalker: Well, my version does sound better.

JJ Abrahams: Hmm, true. Next time, I'll hire YOU to make a trailer.

Anakin Skywalker: A what?

JJ Abrahams: Ughhhhhhhh!!!!! Star Trek's a better world.

Finn: The what?


Kylo Ren posted: I'll finish what you started.

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Finn: Aww, thank you! I was just cleaning these dishes ^.^

Kylo Ren: Oh man, another generation of so called "heroes". -.-

Rey: And I was just making fried eggs! Thanks for taking it over, Kylo! ^.^

Kylo Ren: I hate these two.

Poe Dameron: Woud you finish polishing my X-Wing for me as well?

Kylo Ren: Okay, make that three.

Rey posted: Knock knock!

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Finn: Who is it?

Rey: The Force.

Finn: ???

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