Chapter 36

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Young-Mi's POV:

"Well the way you blocked him was cool ha! I liked it. If it would not have been for you today I would have almost lost him. Thanks a lot! " I said holding Jun-Su's hand.

"I learned Jijitsu a long time ago and today it worked out well. I am glad I could help you a bit."

"Thanks for reaching me till here. When you held me there back near the cafe I was more relieved than being scared to see you. I honestly was thinking back then to decide if I should go alone or not."

"Hey! Come on I promised you that we will solve this together. Now, that all this is over. Let's relax for a while. It was a real hard day today." He hugged me sideways and we started walking.

We saw Ae-Cha and Ji-Hoonssi coming towards us running out of the car.

"Unnie you ok? " Ae-Cha asked.

"Yeah. I am fine. We caught Seok and the police took him away. He will be sued for all the allegations and now we can relax." I said.

"I now know why that day Seok pulled me back when the car passed by and I was about to get hit. It was him who planned and so his timings were so apt." Ae-Cha told.

Ji-Hoon almost fell against the wall and was quite shocked. We held him and made him sit. It was such a huge surprise for him. The person he trusted backstabbed him so badly using his daughter.

"We heard everything on call, The things he said and what he did were quite dangerous. I would never forgive him.: Ji-Hoonssi said with his hand on his heart. We all could feel him.

"For now let's go home and relax for a while. This was a long day." Jun-Su said.

"Yes, dad let's first go to the hospital and treat you."

"What happened? Is there something serious?" I asked.

"Dad was so angry listening to all this that he hit the car window hard and the glass broke and his hand got hurt," Ae-Cha said.

We looked back at the broken window of the car. It was natural to act in this way when you know you were involved for no reason and almost would have been sued by police even if you were not at the fault.

"I will drive you both to the hospital. Young-Mi you drive my car and pick me up at the hospital." I nodded.

We went to the hospital. I was worried about Ji-Hoonssi but at the same time, I knew he would be ok soon. That man had plotted such a game plan that even if someday he would get caught looking at all the logs the evidence would only point out to Ji-Hoonssi.

But I was glad we handed him over to the police. The police will now treat him the way he deserves.

All the while to the hospital I had numerous thoughts. We reached the hospital and Ji-Hoonssi was given first aid and some medicines. Thank god the cut was not so deep.

"Ji-Hoonssi you should be more careful when anything comes to you because even if someone does bad its only us and our body that is going to be with us. If we harm ourselves it's going to be painful to endure for us and the culprit will be happy to see this. So, let's not do anything like this again. Ae-Cha was so worried see." I said.

"Hmm. Poor baby. She had to go through all this due to him. But it's fine we can relax he is now caught."

We all went back to our homes with some relief. I was so tired that I slept the whole way back in the car while Jun-Su drove.

The next day:

It was a quiet day today. At last, everything got over and we will be back to our normal lives. I was sipping coffee when Jun-su texted to meet him down in the park.

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