...and us.

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You looked at me, I looked at you,
and everyone else was blind.

You and me, we were miles apart,
but like veins of the same heart.
And yet we never met, we failed to see,
what we could be.
I try finding a chance to say sorry.
That emptiness is heavy to carry.

You looked at me, I looked at you,
and everything else didn't matter.

I wanted to hold your hand and twirl forever.
Now my hand hesitates to extend however.
It wasn't lust, it wasn't obsession.
We were like an innocent confession.
Like the sun in drizzling weather.
A crazy and a weird together.

You looked at me, I looked at you,
and it felt like eternity.

Holding hands, pulling close,
no nervousness or curling toes.
Like we knew each other for life,
with no doubt or strife.
We were water, we were clear,
unproblematic as it did appear.

You looked at me, I looked at you,
and peace was real for a second.

No beating hearts, nor butterflies.
All there was, was reading eyes.
I read sadness,
you read darkness.
In between those I found my comfort,
like a lake to my desert.

You looked at me, I looked at you,
and there was nothing else I knew.
Just you, and me, and us.


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