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On one sleepless night,
I heard the laughter of tress,
I heard the chatter of silence,
I listened to the song of breeze.

I heard invisible foot steps walk towards me,
They disappeared before they reached me.

The graceful walking sound still ringing in my mind,
I ran to see the creature behind.

I chased it, I tried my best to,
But running into vague was all i could do.

So far, that there was no longer the chatter or the song,
There was only the dark night with me walking along.

I looked back at the light in the distant,
The fire flies from so far seemed non existent.

I walked, carefully and slow,
Not wanting to repeat the previous blow.

Then it all started again,
I heard the laughter of tress,
I heard the chatter of silence,
I listened to the song of breeze.

I heard invisible foot steps walk towards me again,
I smiled, chasing the hypothetical anymore wasnt my domain.

How addicted we are to overthinking situations, to creating new situations in our mind that don't even exist like those invisible foot steps. Such thoughts make our nights sleepless, we chase them until we are away from reality and happy thoughts, sometimes to the point where we can't see positivity anymore and everything becomes dark.


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