Wait for a while

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Wait, just wait for a while,
till the fire stops burning,
till the world stops turning.

Till the sun stops setting in the west,
till there's no heart beat drumming in my chest,
till the barren lands turn fertile,
just wait for a while,

Till the little children forget to laugh,
till the apples start growing half,
till I remember to smile,
wait, just wait for a while.

Till the moon disappears,
till days and weeks become years,
till the gods come to stop the monstrous nile,
just wait for a while.

Till I can count every grain of sand,
till the waters swallow the land,
till the time decides to stop for awhile,
please wait for a while.

Till every leaf is turned blue,
till every flower loses its hue,
till I cross that every mile,
just wait for a while.

Till every water drop turns clear,
till blood replaces every tear,
till the earth is free from everything vile,
wait, just wait for a while.

Till the sky is near enough to touch,
till the stars are near enough to clutch,
till the hopeless, one day becomes worthwhile,
please wait, just wait for a while.


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