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Questions, questions, questions.
The cause of aberrations.

A or B?
C or D?

Questions, questions, questions.
The cause of aberrations.

No, im not normal!
Sorry, if you find that informal.

I do not have the answers.
Is that my crime?
Should I eat grime?

Questions, questions, questions.
The cause of aberrations.

I don't know what way to go.
I don't know the path.
Does that make me a psychopath?

Should I point the gun at me?
Should I flee?

Questions, questions, questions.
The cause of aberrations.

I don't know what choice to make,
and I don't want to fake.
Does that make me a snake?

Overthinking, confusion and anxiety.
Is that abnormality?

Questions, questions, questions.
The cause of aberrations.

My internal storms never end.
It's impossible for me to comprehend,
that is the mess curable?
Can I be stable?
Am i able?

Questions, questions, questions.
The cause of aberrations.


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