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Doors and Windows,
Lilies and Roses.
All bright and happy,
until everything closes, decomposes.

I belong to the shadows,
in the sun, I seethe.
Hits my face, pulls my hair, the wind.
And yet I can’t breathe.

I want to walk till, where the sky ends,
I want to walk till, where the rainbow descends.

The wetness of hope in my eyes, is drying.
I wonder how it feels like, to give up trying.

I listen to the same song on loop,
staring thoughtlessly at the cold soup.

They say "you see the sun shine,
and yet you whine"

How do I tell them it hurts?
How do I say it, wearing perfect ironed shirts?

The person in the mirror is not me.
Is it so difficult to see?

I don’t understand how to evince.
One wrong move and I wince.

Promises seem hollow,
my memory fails to follow.
The dance of stars is all I remember,
the drizzles of June, the chills of December.

Filled with the mental congestion,
there’s so much to question.
Was it worth?
My birth, was it worth to the earth?

It doesn’t matter anymore.
It’s been years, I’ve been lying on this shore.

Tired and thinking and tired thinking.
One question has my brain shrinking.

To be strong enough, to face the Divine,
or to be strong enough, to grow a Spine.


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