A little more Strong

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I wish I could change all lies true,
I wish I could love you, more than I do,

I wish I could be a good kid,
I wish I had obeyed, when you forbid,

I wish I could start with the new dawn,
I wish I was never born,

I wish you had a better child, a better friend,
I wish I could give you better than a gruesome end,

I wish I could be a humanly human,
I wish you could love some other woman,

I wish I could change the start,
I wish I had a kind, warm heart,

I wish I didn't hurt the ones who cared,
I wish I was a little less scared,

I wish I didn't have a wounded wing,
I wish I could be a loving sibling,

I wish I was the 'normal' they like to see,
I wish I wasn't ME,

I wish I could live a little long,
I wish I was a little more strong.


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