Panic Attack (George Weasley)

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A/n: panic attack, swearing, bullying, talks of sexual assault

If any of this bothers or triggers you, don't read it!


You, being a muggle born witch, knew you were going to run into prejudiced people, and the five years you've been at Hogwarts has proven to you that there were more people than you thought that believed in the purity of a blood line. You and Hermione bonded over the pain and the name calling that came with being muggle born witches. Hermione was your best friend, sure you were friends with all of the golden trio, the twins, Neville and Luna but nobody understood the bullying you went through like Hermione.

You had both been dealing with Draco's wrath since first year, and you both stood up to him but it seemed like it was getting worse with Umbridge around. Usually, once you scared off Draco, nobody would bother you for awhile but it started to become an almost everyday occurrence. Draco's goons started to taunt you even without Draco around, and now there were even some random students from Ravenclaw, whose families were blood purists, started in on it. It's like you had a particular target on your back and you weren't sure why it started, other than the fact that Umbridge seemed to have it out for you because you were dating George Weasley.

Don't get me wrong, you never showed weakness in public, but once you were alone in your room you would let the tears fall and sob as quietly into your pillow as you could.

One particular day really got to you, because it's like Draco and his followers were trying to make you break in front of the whole school, in front of your best friends and your amazing boyfriend. You knew they would have your back, but to try and prove you weren't weak, you decided to hold your friends back and defend yourself and Hermione.

You were having a good morning, breakfast was in front you, Ron already shoving food into his mouth, with Fred and George on either side of you.

"Well, well, well, Gryffindor can't sink any lower when they've already got two mudbloods and blood traitors at the same table." Draco sneered

Your whole body tensed at the sound of his voice, without turning around you quip back, "You're one to talk Malfoy, your status couldn't get any lower with pugface hanging off your arm like a chimp"

You see Hermione smirk at you.

"What was that, bitch?" Draco said in a menacing tone

You turn to face him, standing up in front of his face, "I know you heard me, unless you've gone deaf with all the oinking those pigs behind you do" glancing at Crabbe and Goyle

All three faces in front of you are wearing looks of pure rage at this point.

"I'd watch who you're talking to you fucking slut, I've heard things about you that I'm sure your little boyfriend would love to know" he says with an evil smirk

You see George try to stand up next to you, but you hold your hand out to stop him.

"And what, pray tell, are these things that you've heard about me, because last I checked the only person I've been with is my boyfriend"

"Y/n/n-" Mione says, I look towards her and her eyes get wide as Draco spills the secret you hadn't told anyone but her.

"I heard McLaggen had his fun with you" he said with the smirk on his face.

Your stood with your back facing him, Mione's eyes are wide with unshed tears for you and the whole hall went quiet. George is watching your every move to see your reaction, you look down at the table, tears immediately hitting your cheeks, you turn around so fast that when you slap Draco across the face he stumbles back. Gasps are heard from all around the hall, "I guess he didn't tell you the whole story then Ferret"

Draco looked at you wide eyed, with his hand on his cheek.

"The whole story, I WASN'T WILLING" you yelled, "that fucking asshole" you said pointing in McLaggen's direction, "held me down after a quidditch game, and used a silencing spell so even if I did scream, which I DID, no one would hear me!" You cried before running out of the Great Hall, leaving all of your friends in shock.

It didn't take long before Hermione and George both ran after you, while Fred, Ron and Harry found McLaggen trying to make a run for it. Fred loved you like his sister, you are his best friend, so the rage that was in his eyes when he walked up to McLaggen, scared him into freezing in his spot. Fred's anger issues came out that day when he beat McLaggen into a bloody pulp while everyone cheered him on.


George and Hermione are running after you.

"Why wouldn't she tell me?" George says panicked

"She didn't want you to look at her differently or think she cheated on you" Mione said as they ran to the common room.

"She told you though?!"

"I know it hurts George, but she was scared. Please don't take this out on her." Mione looked at him pleadingly

"I would never, I just need her to know that she can trust me with anything" he says, Mione smiling.

"Let's find her first"

They make it to the common room and see you huddled in the corner, trying to control your breathing with tears streaming down your face.

"Love?" George approaches cautiously

"I, I c-cant b-breathe" you stutter out, as tears stream down your face more. Hermione is rubbing little circles on your back as George pulls you closer to him, holding your hands he brings your head up.

"Breathe with me, in one, two, three. Out one, two, three" Georgie says in a calm voice but it's isn't working no matter how hard you try.

He sees it's not helping so he lifts your head again, and kisses you softly but forcefully on the lips. Your breath hitches in your throat, and when he pulls away you've calmed some, he then pulls you into his lap with your head on his chest so you can listen to his steady heart beat to keep a calm rhythm of breathing. Tears are still streaming down your face, but you aren't panicking anymore.

"I'm so sorry Georgie" you cry.

He tightens his hold on you, "There is nothing for you to be sorry for my love. You've done nothing wrong." He whispers, kissing the top of your head.

Mione speaks quietly, "I bet Fred is beating up Cormac right now" she chuckles, making you giggle lightly as well.

"I wouldn't say right now" Fred says as he steps through the portrait hole, "but he is a bloody mess for hurting my best friend" he says as lightly as he can, still enraged at the thought of what happened to you.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you baby, you deserved to know." You say quietly

"Stop apologizing, Angel. I know you would have told me when you were ready. I'm sorry it came out in the open like that, this must be so hard on you" Georgie says looking into your puffy eyes. He caresses your cheek, and you lean into it.

"I love you so much, Georgie."

"I love you more, Angel. and don't worry, we will make sure nobody mentions this again."

"How are you going to do that?" Mione says from beside Fred

"Oh Hermione, you know we can be very persuasive." Fred says with a mischievous smirk, making you roll your eyes and smile.

You couldn't be more thankful for the people you've chosen to be by your side.

A/n: this was so bad, I'm sorry I wrote it so long ago

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