Chocolate (Remus Lupin M. E.)

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The Marauders, well known around the entire castle as pranksters. Potter and Black were the outgoing ones that came up with all of the prank ideas, Pettigrew was the quiet one that went along with everything the other two did, and Lupin was the prefect that got them out of trouble and knew how to reign the other three in while causing some mischief himself.

Being a Gryffindor and Marlene McKinnon's best friend, it was inevitable that I would become friends with the Marauders, especially with how much Black and Marlene like to flirt. I loved all four of them but my favorite was Lupin. From the start, we got along. We had conversations about books, and our favorite subjects, which then began to turn into late night talks about our childhood.

Right before we left for Christmas holiday in our fifth year, Remus and I were sitting in a secluded corner of the common room, next to a large window. We were wrapped up in jumpers and blankets, with hot chocolates in our hands. It was a little past one in the morning, both of us getting lost in our reading, when I decided to look out the window for a moment.

I let out a slight gasp as I saw the first snowflakes fall from the dark sky. Every year, this was my favorite moment, until I felt eyes burning into the side of my face. I turned to look at Remus, his chocolate brown eyes staring straight into mine. It happened so slowly, the subtle hitch of breath. The carefulness as he moved closer, the slow caress of my cheek right before he ran his thumb across my bottom lip. Both of us leaned forward, delicately connecting our lips in a sweet and passionate kiss.

That was ten months ago, we were now in our sixth year, Remus and I were going strong, but nobody knew we were dating. Why, you may ask? It started with us wanting to make sure our relationship would work, and now, because we waited so long, we are kind of scared our friends will be mad we haven't told them yet.

During one of Remus' patrols, I decided to surprise my boyfriend. I hid around a corner as I heard his footsteps coming closer, right when he came around the corner, I grabbed his arm making him jump in the air, with a startled gasp. I immediately started laughing. Hearing my laughter calmed down his rapidly beating heart.

"Merlin, Y/n. You scared the daylights out of me."

"I got you so good" I said, continuing to laugh.

He chuckled, walking over to me, and wrapping his arms around my waist. "To what do I owe the pleasure of getting to see you, Gorgeous?"

"No particular reason, I just missed you."

He leaned in, brushing his nose against mine as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I lifted onto my toes to meet him partway, our lips interlocking in a loving kiss. Being alone in the dark corridor late at night was exciting and romantic, especially with the moonlight pouring into the windows. Remus pushed me up against the cold wall, deepening the kiss before trailing his lips down my neck.

"I'm glad I came to surprise you" I breathlessly said, before letting out a light moan. I felt him smirk against my neck, knowing he was enjoying how he made me feel. He moved back up my neck to my lips again before pulling back and resting his forehead against mine.


"Yes, Darling?"

"I love you, so much"

"And I love you, Darling. When am I going to get to show you off to everyone?"

"I promise, I'm working on it. I want to tell our friends too, but we've waited so long already, I'm just worried."

"They won't hate us"

"The boys won't hate you, but Marlene has been suspicious for months now, and every time she asks I lie. She's going to be so angry with me."

"Marlene will be so happy for you, My Love. They might be upset for a moment but I don't think they'll hold it against us."

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