Quidditch Rivalry (Oliver Wood)

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As a Hufflepuff, people tend to underestimate me and take advantage of my kindness. What they don't know is that some Hufflepuff's are secretly crazy, adrenaline junkies, my best friend being one of them. Cedric Diggory, quidditch captain, seeker, and adrenaline junky extraordinaire. There are moments when I believe he should've been put in Gryffindor, and then I see the Hufflepuff qualities come out. Especially the amount of patience this man has for his quidditch team. I mean you would expect your team to be on time for quidditch practice, but I guess even Hufflepuff's can take advantage of their housemates.



"How much longer are we going to wait before we decide to practice just the two of us? You know Wood is going to be here at the pitch early for his practice, and I honestly don't want to hear him get all crazy because we're still here."

"Go on and fly up, get some shots in, and if they don't show in the next five minutes, I'll play keeper for you."

"Don't you need to practice chasing the snitch?"

"You can help me next practice with that"

"Alright Diggory, but don't go easy on me"

"When have I ever?"

"Good point" I giggled as I mounted my broom with the quaffle in hand to get some practice shots in.

Cedric ended up being keeper during our one on one practice. About half an hour later, I hear a thick Scottish accent yelling Cedric's name. Looking down, I see Wood and the Gryffindor team standing in the middle of the pitch. I roll my eyes before descending to the ground. Holding my broom in one hand, I stand next to Cedric as Wood begins to talk about the next match.

"You know it might be easier to practice with more than the two of you, did your team forget, again?" Wood smirked, making me roll my eyes again.

"Got something to say Y/l/n?"

I glared in his direction, "It's probably a good thing your whole team is here. Last I saw, you could use the practice, unlike our team." I smirked as I saw his face turn red from anger.

"Don't get too upset Wood, your face already matches your quidditch uniform." Cedric chuckled from beside me, throwing  his arm over my shoulder. I caught Wood staring at his arm around me before he huffed, that was weird.

Wood stormed off, getting ready to unlock every ball as Cedric and I walked away from the pitch laughing at the interaction we just had.


Transfiguration was my favorite subject. I loved learning how to change inanimate objects into something useful, and Professor McGonagall is an amazing teacher. I sit beside Cedric in this class, too, or at least I used to.

Professor McGonagall decided to give an extra long essay to us in pairs to complete together by the end of the year. I, unfortunately, have the pleasure of completing this project with, Oliver Wood.

"You have the last twenty minutes of class to meet with your partners and figure out your topic for your project" Professor McGonagall announces before sitting at her desk and looking over pieces of parchment.

"Ced, please don't leave me with him."

"Sorry, Y/n/n. You'll be fine, though." He got up after packing his stuff to move, he looked at me and whispered, "You got this", before he went across the room.

I sighed as I saw Wood making his way over to me, he abruptly sits down, and faces me.

"I don't like this arrangement anymore than you do," he says with a light scoff making me roll my eyes, "but I need a good grade and you're top of the class."

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