Episode 2 - Keep Your Enemies Close Enough And You'll Start Liking Them

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Using the knife Marvin just gave you, you cut through the yellow tape on the box

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Using the knife Marvin just gave you, you cut through the yellow tape on the box. You pull it open, seeing another lever, which you push down in order to open the second shutter that night.

It opens, and you notice a green-looking plant by the kiosk. "Is that an herb?"

Leon nods. "Yeah. We should probably take that with us, could be useful."

He rips it apart, taking only the part that has medicinal benefits, as well as the handgun ammo he finds on one of the seats opposite of the reception desk, and both of you find it a bit strange that all of these things are just sitting around in a police station, but you decide not to bring it up.

Before you go through the wooden door at the end of the reception room, Leon holds out his hand again, and you take it. It's the one thing that still makes you feel just a bit sane at the moment.

All you see is darkness, that is until Leon flicks on his flashlight, showing a hallway that makes your skin crawl. The blue walls as well as the black and white tiles are covered in splatters of blood, and there's a body sitting at the corner, next to a window boarded up with some wooden planks.

The last thing you want to do is go further in here, but you have to — and that's what you tell yourself. If you want to get out of here, you have to do this, as scary as it is. Leon can feel the way you're gripping his hand tighter, and he understands.

After taking a few steps forward, on your right, you see a path to the right that's blocked off. Shit. You wonder how many more times that's gonna happen, and if it's ever going to be a problem for you to escape from a certain area.

You shiver at the thought.

So you keep walking. You get closer and closer to the body when you're a bit startled by the sound of a voice cracking through a radio, which seems to belong to the officer's body on the floor. "This is 73-Bird—for rescue—heading east—River. Touchdown at R.P.D.—minutes."

"Rescue? An aircraft? Helicopter?" You whisper, not feeling safe enough to talk normally.

Leon hums before turning his attention to the body on the floor, and for some reason he feels like he should check the body. The head hangs forward, so he puts his hand on its forehead, tilting the head back.

You want to throw up at the sight. The officer is missing half his cheek, skin partially ripped out, blood dripping on the floor as the only thing holding up his jaw is the tissue covered in blood. "What the fuck!?" Leon says in disgust.

Then you both jump at the sound of something like a can hitting the floor behind you. There's a flashlight on the tiles, right next to the pool of blood, above which a body of another officer is hanging from a pipe that's shoved right through his mouth and neck.

Yeah. Now you want to cry.

You breathe out heavily before your words come out much louder than you intended them to. "Oh my God—"

𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒. ⇢ 𝐋𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐒. 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐃𝐘Where stories live. Discover now