Episode 9 - Two Sides Of The Same Coin

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You begin on your own little journey as you walk through the water in the Lower Waterway

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You begin on your own little journey as you walk through the water in the Lower Waterway.

There's a dead body with a green herb sitting next to it, and you're about to grab it — even though you've undoubtedly collected plenty of them already — until something quite literally pops out of the dead guy's chest. Some kind of parasite. Yikes.

"Ew, ew, ew." You chant as if it will change anything, moving up to climb onto the first ledge you can find. There are even more chest-bursted corpses up on the left of the surface, and you're pretty sure you're gonna vomit soon if this shit gets worse.

Whatever it is you're standing on, it's red, slimy, like flesh — beyond gross. You walk forward to jump into the water at the other side.

"Why did I have to be heroic? Why? Why couldn't I stay with Leon? He's smart. Oh God, I'm gonna die. And I didn't even get to kiss him. Why am I such a pussy?" You grumble to yourself.

Talking to yourself. Right. Yeah, that last part of sanity you were holding onto is just gone at this point. Fucking nowhere to be seen.

There's something in the water in front of you, and if it is what you think it is...

Taking your pistol out of your holster, your hands are trembling. You can't aim properly like this. "Steady now..."

You tell yourself to remember what Leon taught you. Lean a bit forward, grip it tightly. You try to regain your calm before taking a single shot.

It's another one of those monsters with a huge eyeball. It's way too big to avoid, so you know you have to take it down one way or another.

You shoot the eyeball — luckily enough it's so big that it's hard to miss any shots. After you've shot about twenty bullets into the eye, the one big arm whirls around before dropping into the water.

You're ecstatic. While it took a load of bullets, you managed to take the monster down, so you're satisfied.

This is good. You're making progress, getting closer to that red light that shines so brightly you could see it from the bridge you stood on just minutes ago.

But the thing is that this place sucks.

Raccoon City, the one place that tests your will and ability to survive with each passing minute!

In all honesty, you want to laugh and cry at the same time, because another one of those monsters is in front of you. And you've only taken like what, five steps? It's ridiculous. Insanity. Beyond stupid.

Yeah. The sewers are officially the worst place you've ever been to.

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" You grit your teeth when it grabs you, but you put a grenade into the arm lifting you in the air. You shoot a few times, trying to be a bit more careful with ammo this time, because who knows how many more of them you'll have to encounter.

𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒. ⇢ 𝐋𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐒. 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐃𝐘Where stories live. Discover now