Episode 5 - With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

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What you see in the jail is less than pleasant

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What you see in the jail is less than pleasant.

It seems like everyone behind the bars has turned into the brainless monsters you've been fighting the entire night. They try to grab you from behind the rusty white steel, but luckily the doors are locked.

At the end of the hall, you can either take a left or a right. On the right is a lever on the wall that seems out of use, and the door is locked. You begin to walk to the left, where you're greeted by an unfamiliar voice.

"I can't believe it! A real human!" You hear a male voice say, clearly sounding happy to see you. "Hello, human!"

The sentence makes you snort. While Leon likes to make sure you're close to him in general, whenever you meet new people, he grows very protective to an almost paranoid extent, standing half in front of you, just because he can.

He wouldn't want your pretty head to get bit off.

"Are we the last ones alive?"

You're not sure what to think of the man standing in front of you, though behind bars. He's smoking a cigarette, with his hair in a low ponytail and a pair of glasses sitting on his nose.

"No, there's a few of us." You reply.

"Oh. Well that's good news, I guess. Unless Irons sent you."

Leon frowns. "Irons?"

"Brian Irons. Police chief. Hopefully someone's dinner by now."

You furrow your brows. That was certainly not something you expected to hear. "What? Why?"

"He's the asshole that locked me in here."

"I'm sure he had a good reason." Leon responds almost immediately, seemingly unimpressed by this survivor.

The guy nods, throwing away his cigarette just after inhaling one last time. "He did. I was about to blow the whistle on his dirty ass. I'd have done the same thing too, I guess."

"What are you talking about?"

The three of you are interrupted the moment you hear the sound of one of the jail doors opening. It's silent again after that, and you look from the direction of the noise to Leon. "What was that?"

"Hey! Pretty girl. I'll make you a deal. Unlock this cell and I'll give you this. There's no other way outta that parking garage, believe me!" Both you and Leon grimace at the way he addressed you. He's holding up the key card for the shutter.

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