Episode 8 - Once Upon A Nightmare

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Leon finds himself waking up in the home he grew up in

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Leon finds himself waking up in the home he grew up in. A small smile appears on his face when he looks at the height measurements on the wall and the notes left for him on the fridge.

His old home is a place holding both good and bad memories. He lived there until he was sixteen, probably. It feels like so long ago.

The light shining through the windows suddenly becomes completely dark. "Look at what you've done. You failed all of us. Me, your mother, your sister. Why couldn't you be happy with what you had?"

He turns around at the echoing voice of his father, but sees no one. Not even as much as a shadow or a silhouette. He walks towards the sound, carefully walking around because there's no lights on.

The wood creaks. There's someone banging against the door, and fully against his gut feeling, he opens it, walking into some sort of dimly lit art gallery you'd find in a museum — and behind the glass, he sees his mother and father caught up in an argument, ending up with his father getting his suitcase and leaving. All of that within a few seconds of loud noises and cries and whispers. It hurts his head, and he reaches for his head in pain.

The next one involves his mother dying. He remembers how he sat by her grave, bawling his eyes out. It was the worst thing that had happened in his whole life, and it still hurt.

"Mom..." He says with wide eyes, trying to abandon the memory.

The last one is him coming home from school one day, finding a letter and a pile of cash on the kitchen table. The day his father left.

It's a memory that still gets on his nerves. He still hates him for it. He's not even sure the man is still alive anymore.

Outside the window, he sees bubbles, realizing he must be underwater. A few cracks begin to form in the glass. Past the corner, he looks at the younger version of his little sister sitting in a glass cage, hiding her head behind her arms.

"Sarah?" He asks, getting closer to the glass to lean down. "I'm gonna get you out of here, okay?"

She locks eyes with him and touches his hand through the glass, and he does the same — but suddenly the water floods the room, and he's pushed backwards into the floor, the wood breaking before he falls into the water.

It's like his body is numb. He can't move, why can't he move? What's happening? He can feel himself sinking away from the surface.

He's suddenly being grabbed by your warm hands, and you have a reassuring look on your face before you move to kiss him.

His hands move to your cheeks, and it all goes so slowly because you're still underwater, until he feels a stinging pain everywhere in his body — his chest, his legs, his arms. The current coming from God knows where pulls you away from him, and your hands nearly reach each other, but it's just not enough.

𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒. ⇢ 𝐋𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐒. 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐃𝐘Where stories live. Discover now