Episode 14 - One Of Us Will Lose

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Okay, okay

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Okay, okay. Steady. Think.

Shit! Where the fuck do I go?

There's a grave error occurring inside your head. You don't know what to do, where to go, how to escape — because you didn't fucking expect to be running from your own goddamn partner.

If only you would've known about this an hour ago. You would have laughed at the idea of it, thinking of it as some bad joke. Maybe if you hadn't been this naive, this stupid, this foolish... you would've seen it. You feel truly hurt, but above that, you feel angry. Really fucking angry that you let him play you like this. That you were nothing but a pawn to him.

No, you're not gonna let that bastard catch you.

So you try to think about what you could do to at least stop him from finding you. Eventually, if he can't find you, he'll leave to go to the West Area. He has to. It's not like you matter that much to him. Not like you thought you did.

Do you even matter to him? At all? Why the fuck is he wasting his time chasing you? Just for the sake of his ego?

Why has he done so much tonight to even try to keep you alive? It doesn't make any sense whatsoever and it drives you completely nuts to the point you want to rip out your hair.

No. Focus. Think of what to do.

You realize you still have the signal modulator with you, which is a good thing in this case.

He has the wristband, you don't have one, certainly not with the right access. You've actually already checked the corpses of the scientists in the area for wristbands, but for some reason, their wristbands seem out of use.

For now, not having a wristband isn't a problem because you turned the system for it off earlier, back when you split up.

That also means that if Leon goes to turn that around again, you'll be trapped in whatever room you're in until he gets there.

Which is exactly why you have to make sure he can't get to the Server Room. You still have two options, however; A) attack Leon when he won't expect it and get the wristband from him to get to the West Area yourself, or B) use the signal modulator (which is luckily still in your possession) to take down the power, which is the safer option, but it means you're definitely trapped in here until Leon decides to go to the West Area for the sample. Turning the power off also equals having less spaces to hide in.

The thing is that Leon is undoubtedly — and annoyingly so — the most unpredictable man you've ever come across in your life, and you don't know what he's gonna do. Besides, you tried to attack him before escaping from him, and to say that attack didn't go well is an understatement.

You go for option B, because it's really the only option for survival right now.

You can fucking hear him coming down the stairs. Your breathing is uneven, hands shaking while you try to match the wavelengths again, heart beating like crazy. "C'mon, c'mon!" You stressfully try to get the device to work, and your eyes widen when it does.

𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒. ⇢ 𝐋𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐒. 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐃𝐘Where stories live. Discover now