Can You Keep A Promise?

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Two weeks passed and Keith and James started to get closer. Keith would work the bar, James would order his drink and talk to Keith, Keith would go sing a few songs on stage, then the two would talk until Keith's shift ended, then James would walk him to his car. Keith had told James that he was pregnant and it was his ex-boyfriend's kid he was carrying.

Surprisingly, James had no problem with Keith being pregnant. In fact, he even told Keith that his cousin was pregnant with his second child with his boyfriend. That helped put Keith at rest a little, to know there were others outside his family who were like him.

In those two weeks, Keith found himself being drawn to James. But he couldn't help but think of Lance whenever he looked at James. His heart aching. But he couldn't deny what his heart was also telling him, he started to love James.

"Ready to go?" James asked as Keith washed his hands a final time and pulled his coat on.

"Yeah," Keith said as he waved to Nat who waved back to him as she drowned a shot with one of her friends. The pair exited the club and Keith took a deep breath of the cold air, a change from the warmth of the club which smelt strongly of alcohol and sweat from the crowd.

"You know, I've really enjoyed these two weeks of our little tradition," James said with a smile.

"Yeah?" Keith asked pulling his keys out of his bag. "So have I, it's nice to have someone to talk to."

"You don't talk to your friends back home?" James asked as Keith opened the back door of his car.

"I do but they're in Cranston and I'm here."

"Ah," James said with a nod. "Yeah, long distance can be hard."

"So, same time tomorrow?" Keith asked opening his car door.

"Yeah, I'll text you," James answered as he waved goodbye to the raven-haired boy before he started heading to his own car. Keith smiled softly and climbed into his car, driving away from the bar and heading back home.

He was almost home when he got a text from James.

Hey, I was wondering. We've been talking for a while now, would you like to go out sometime? Maybe grab a coffee?

Keith stopped at a red light and his thoughts started racing. Was he ready to move on from Lance? Could his heart take another heart break if it didn't work out? Keith shook his head and turned on his car radio to a random news station.

And now live in the studio, we have the son of Richard McClain, Lance McClain, here to talk about his engagement to-

Keith was quick to shut the news station off and the car was silent.

"You just won't leave me alone will you?" Keith asked softly with a sigh. No matter where he went or what he did, his thoughts always ended back to Lance.

"Guess mine is not the first heart broken

My eyes are not the first to cry

I'm not the first to know

There's just no getting over you"

"You broke hearts anywhere you went," Keith said softly as he remembered the stories Lance told him of his high school days. "I just added another number to your score.

"You know, I'm just a fool who's willing

To sit around and wait for you

But baby, can't you see

There's nothing else for me to do?

I'm hopelessly devoted to you"

He knew it was foolish to think of. But Keith couldn't help but dream that one day Lance would call him and beg for them to be back together. Most days, Keith would sit on his bed and just stare at his phone, waiting.

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