Our Last Summer

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Author's Note:

Before we begin this chapter, I just want to explain that we have times kipped a bit. To be honest, I was running out of ideas so I thought why not just skip to Keith having the twins cause I have more ideas for when the twins are around.

So here we are, Keith is 9 months pregnant waiting for the twins to be born.

Anyways, enjoy y'all!


"So how are you doing?" Shiro asked.

"Ready to be done being pregnant," Keith replied with a sigh. He was currently sitting on the couch with a movie playing on the tv, the volume low. His phone sitting on his knees with the speakerphone on as he talked to Shiro.

"Shouldn't be too much longer right? Any day now is that what Dr. Amelia said?"

"Yeah, something like that," Keith said with a sigh.

"Do you know what you're having?'

"No," Keith answered with a shake of his head. "I wanna keep it a secret until they're here."

"I'm betting they're both girls!' Adam called out in the background.

"That's what mom keeps saying to," Keith said with a chuckle.

"Well whatever you have, they're going to be spoiled rotten by everyone, especially Allura and Shay.'

"Yeah," Keith said with a sigh. "I can picture them going all out on birthdays now."

"Anyways, we'll be there in like ten minutes, we'll see you soon."

"Okay, bye."

Keith hung up the phone and groaned feeling his back spike in pain. He definitely was ready for his pregnancy to be over. He changed the channel to the news and got off the couch to make something to eat. He had been in his new apartment for a few months now and he enjoyed the peace of being in his own space. Though, he did miss the company of Krolia and Kolivan as much as the couple would come over to see him or invite him over for dinner.

"And in today's news, it has been announced that the wedding between Lance McClain and Nyma Larousse has been postponed until next year. The announcement is under suspicion that whether the two families are in disagreement or whether or not one party is having cold feet."

Keith froze hearing the news anchor report the news. She was reporting on the news on celebrities and social news, which is the category Lance and his family fall under since his dad is a popular CEO of the family company. Shaking himself out of his thoughts, Keith forced himself to change the channel just as she started reporting on something else.


"Care to explain why we've delayed the wedding again?" Lance's father asked turning to Lance who was sitting in a chair on the other side of the desk.

"I just...want to make sure we're not rushing into things," Lance said avoiding his father's gaze. "Weddings are stressful and I want to make sure we're doing this right."

"And is that the only reason?" his father asked, eyeing his son up and down for a clue as to why Lance had delayed the wedding. "Or is it something else?"

"No sir," Lance said with a slow shake of his head. "That's the reason."

Lance's father stared at him for a few moments more before he sighed and stood up from his desk. He clasped his hands behind his back and turned to stare out the window.

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