It's You

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Keith watched as Marina and Camilla both played with Lance on the playground. They had decided to meet at the playground near Keith's house, which may or may not have been influenced by the twins begging to the park lately.

He hated to admit it but Lance really looked like a father as he pushed the twins on the swing. He couldn't help but think of what life would have been like if he and Lance hadn't broken up. Lance loved kids and Keith could see it whenever he saw Lance interacting with his niece and nephew whenever he could come over to Lance's house and he saw it now with the twins.

Two years into their relationship, him and Lance had started talking about kids and if they wanted to adopt kids or even foster kids. Which then led to names they would name their kids.

"If we were to adopt a kid, what would you name him or her?" Lance asked as they got ready for bed. Lance was sleeping over at Keith's place after a movie marathon all day.


"Well, we talked about if we wanted kids or not last week," Lance said as he climbed into the bed. "What would you name him or her?"

"I don't know," Keith said with a shrug of his shoulders as he took his jacket off and placed it on his chair by his desk. "I've never really thought about it. Have you?"

"Not actively," Lance said with a shake of his head. "But there's one name that always popped into my head if I were to have a girl."

"What?" Keith asked as he climbed into bed beside Lance.

"Camilla, probably Cami for short."

"That-That's actually really pretty actually."

"Funny, that's what my mom said when she asked when I was helping Lisa with baby names one day."

"What if the baby was a boy?" Keith asked.

"Hmm, maybe Jayden," Lance thought out loud.

"That's better then what my mom wanted to name me before my dad changed her mind," Keith said with a huff.

"What did she almost name you?"


Lance threw his head back and laughed.

Keith was brought out of his thoughts when he heard Lance's laughter. He looked up to see Lance and the twins playing a game of tag, currently Marina was it and was chasing Lance and Camilla. Keith couldn't help the smile that formed on his face.


A few hours later, the twins were both sitting tiredly beside Keith on the bench, Camilla leaning against Keith and Marina leaning against Camilla.

"Looks like they've tired themselves out," Lance said with a smile as he watched the girls.

"They always do when we go to the park," Keith said with a smile as he ran his fingers through Camilla's hair.

"Thank you for this," Lance said softly, turning Keith's attention back to Lance. "For letting me see them."

"Don't thank me," Keith said with a shake of his head. "Thank them, it was their choice to want to see you, even if Camilla didn't want to at first."

"Even so, you gave them the choice in the first place."

"I guess," Keith said with a shrug of his shoulders.


"If you're going to mention how we should talk and work things through, please don't," Keith said with a shake of his head, moving his gaze to the ground. "Like I said before, our time is over, it was over four years ago."

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