The Twins

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Author's Note:

Alright, so this chapter is more of a fill in chapter for the story. I didn't want to do several chapters of the twins growth, cause that would be a lot of chapters. So this chapter is going to be snippets of the twins, like first word, first steps, that sort of thing. Then the next chapter will be a time skip in the years.

Just figured I would clarify that before this chapter starts.

Anyways, enjoy!


Midnight Cries

Keith awoke to the sound of a baby crying and let out a soft sigh. He could tell which twin it was that had woken up in the night. He climbed out of bed and pulled his cardigan on and headed down the hall to the nursery.

He opened the door and drifted to the crib which contained the crying infant, the other occupying her sister who thankfully slept soundly. Even through the crying. His eyes met those of his daughter's and he smiled softly seeing hers filled with tears.

Camilla Rosella Kogane.

She had been the first twin to come out, five minutes before her sister. Keith knew she was going to tease her about it saying how she was the older twin. Camilla had lightly tanned skin, brown hair, and purple eyes. Aside from the purple eyes, Keith could see Lance in her. She really was his daughter.

He pulled her into his arms and her cries softly stopped. Though her lips started to pucker gently, a sign Keith had learned to read that she needed a bottle. Checking that the other twin was still sleeping, Keith quietly exited the nursery and walked down the hall to the kitchen where he swiftly made her a bottle.

"Alright, here we go Cami," Keith said with a small yawn. While he had gotten used to their cries and the actions that followed, he hadn't gotten used to waking up in the middle of the night.

As she drank from the bottle, Keith found himself thinking back on the day they were born.

"One more push Keith, come on!" Amelia called out from between Keith's legs. "The head is almost out!"

Keith let out a scream and gripped Shiro and Krolia's hands as he gave a big push. If his mother and brother were feeling pain in their hands, they said nothing knowing how much more pain Keith was in.

"She's out!" Amelia announced with a laugh. Keith fell back against the bed, huffing as air struggled to get back into his lungs. His heart leaped hearing his daughter let out a cry, her cries echoing throughout the hospital room.

There was a few moments of rest for Keith before his daughter was placed into his arms, a pink blanket wrapped around her and a white hat placed on top of her head to keep her head warm. Her eyes were clenched shut as she continued to cry.

However, those cries were stifled as soon as she was placed into Keith's arms. Keith moved a finger to brush against her chubby cheek, his heart softening when his daughter reached a hand up and grasped onto his finger. For such a small being, she had a good grip on her.

"Do you have a name for this little one?" a nurse asked with a smile as she stood at the foot of the bed, a clipboard in her hands, one holding a pen.

"Camilla," Keith said with a smile. "Camilla Rosella Kogane."

"Such a beautiful name," the nurse commented before heading off to finish the rest of the paperwork concerning Camilla.

Keith was so fixed on Camilla, until he was brought out of his thoughts when a strong contraction hit him. Luckily, a nurse was nearby and gently pulled Camilla out of his arms and alerted Amelia who had stepped back to take a break.

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