Another One Gone

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As far as Keith could tell, his relationship with James was going well. He found himself opening up more to James and he was thankful that James was patient with him and was patient with him about certain topics.

Keith's job was going steady working for Natasha and had become friends with the bartenders Nadia, Ryan, and Ina. He also got along with the other singers who worked at the bar. His morning sickness had thankfully stopped, it was not his favourite when he had to wake up in the early mornings to him needing to throw up. He did get a little nauseous when he was in the car but it wasn't as bad.

Krolia and Kolivan seemed to like James and were happy that Keith seemed to be slowly but surely moving on from Lance. James had come over for dinner a few times or to spend the night as long as Krolia and Kolivan were cool with it.

One morning, Keith had woken up earlier than he usually did. His first thought was more sickness but was thankful it wasn't. Keith turned as he heard snoring beside him in the bed, his eyes widened and his heart started racing as he caught sight of brown hair in the bed.

Why was Lance here!?

And why was he in Keith's bed!?

However, as the figure turned, Keith was met with the sleeping face of James as the man turned over in his sleep. He let out a sigh of relief and forced himself to slow his breathing so his heart would stop racing.

'You never leave me alone do you?' Keith asked himself as he got out of bed. 'I've moved on and yet you seem to taunt me, even now I'm thinking of you.'

Keith pulled on a hoodie and slowly headed out of his bedroom. He could hear snores down the hall where his mother and Kolivan were still sleeping. He headed downstairs to a room which Krolia had suggested they turn into a studio room for Keith. Keith loved to song write and when he was younger, Krolia had installed a studio room in their old house for him to be alone and be with his music.

Keith protested at first but lately he found himself using it more and more. His guitars and other instruments were in the room as well as a large desk for Keith to use, and a black leather couch sat against one of the walls.

Keith liked it in here. For days like today when it was his day off, he found himself in this room more and more. It gave him something to do other than sit at home waiting for his pregnancy to be over. Writing songs usually helped him work out his thoughts, especially ones like how he was feeling now.

Keith picked up one of his guitars and started strumming it. He had to hold it at an awkward angle because of his growing stomach but he got there eventually.


James woke up and let out a soft yawn before sitting up and brushing his hair out of his eyes and turning expecting to see Keith lying there. However, he was surprised when he saw the raven wasn't there. Thinking he was in the kitchen, James climbed out of the bed and pulled on his t-shirt.

However, Keith wasn't there either.

James's ears picked up the soft sound of a guitar strumming and a familiar voice coming from downstairs. He smiled softly not knowing exactly where he was and headed down the stairs. He could hear Keith singing softly and softly entered the studio room, not wanting to interrupt Keith's creative block.

"Looking into your eyes

Looking into your eyes"

James felt his heart melt hearing Keith singing. He could never get enough of hearing his voice. However, that smile dropped upon hearing the next lyrics, it was then that James caught the picture of Lance sitting on the desktop.

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